Skater Plus+:对话Eric Koston与Sean Malto

这期的Skater Plus+,借Nike Action 西单大悦城极限店开业之机对话Nike SB/Girl Skateboards 两大主将Eric Koston 与Sean Malto,一起聊聊Pretty Sweet,Koston绰号Frostman的来源,Koston 3 是否在制作中?以及他与Supreme的关系,Sean Malto加入Nike 后的感受,他最喜欢的Nike 鞋款以及堪萨斯城滑板近况和当地滑板店铺Escapist对他的影响。


对话Eric Koston:

1.—-The Pretty Sweet video is already out for a while and it has been a blast. Does this video meet your expectation?What were your feelings first time you watched the video?

Skatehere:《Pretty Sweet》现在已经发布出来了,而且滑手们对这部Video都给予了很高的评价。这和你预期的一样么?你第一次看后的感觉是怎样的?

Eric Koston:yeah i guess so, for over all yeah,i mean beyond actually.What everyone did ,the video was much more than my expectation.Pretty good pretty awesome.After watching the first time,i was pretty amazed.At the premier i was blown away coz i didn’t see anything before it was being edited and waited till it’s done.i was watching it at the theater for the first time too.and i wanted to keep it that way.

Eric Koston:其实《Pretty Sweet》远远出乎了我的意料,每个人的部分都很精彩,总体给人的感觉就是很不错。在我第一次看完Pretty Sweet后感觉很震惊,我并没有之前先去偷看下正在剪辑制作的片子,而是和所有没看过影片的人一样,首映式上第一次看到这个片子,这也让我当天感到更为惊喜,我很喜欢那种感觉。

2.—-Koston2 is coming out, are you working on Koston 3 already?or still working on side projects similar to “Koston Heritage”?

Skatehere:Koston 2马上就要发布了,那么是否也意味着你已经开始着手设计 Koston 3 了呢?还是会做一些类似去年的“Koston Heritage”这类的产品项目?

Eric Koston:I don’t know how much i can tell,i’m already pretty satisfied with the Koston 2. Now i’m only getting sketches for the new shoes,hopefully it will drop soon. We may probably do something with the Air Max again this year.

Eric Koston:我不太确定可以透露多少,对Koston 2 已经感觉很满意了。现在我也是刚刚开始 3代的初始设计环节,希望它可以很快与大家见面。今年我们可能还会做一个与Air Max 有关的项目。

3.—-How does the nickname “Frostman” come around?


Eric Koston:It started as Frosten,you know, like Koston,but Frosten.That started like a long long time ago. I think it was Scott Johnston who came up with it.Him or maybe Ty Evans or maybe both of them.It was a pretty wild night,we were pretty drunk.Honestly that was where it came from.And then it just became a joke.I don’t know why, and then it from Frosten turned into like Frost,Frostie,Frostman.

Eric Koston: 其实最开始的是时候还不是Frostman(霜人)是Frosten。这个可有故事了,那时好久之前了,好像是Scott Johnston(原Chocolate Pro)最开始给我起的,要么就是Ty Evans(原Girl/Chocolate电影导演),或者是俩人一起起的。那晚我们都太醉疯了,然后不知道怎么回事,第二天我就有了Frosten这个别名。其实就是个玩笑,Kosten和Frosten听起来还挺接近就这么叫了。之后就开始了一段进化史,先是从Frosten变成了Frost,然后是Frostie,现在就是Frostman了。

4.—-You put a lot of Supreme Stickers on your board and wear them a lot too,is Supreme your sponsor now?


Eric Koston:It’s one way or another i guess,they don’t really sponsor people,sometimes they send me some staff. i think it’s a cool shop,i have known the owner for a long time (James).You know,we know each other probably even before he opens the shop so. I think Supreme is pretty cool.They came from a shop to a brand. Their staff is definitely extrordinary,they do very very unique staff.And they are the only one that been able to pull that off.

Eric Koston:我想差不多吧,其实他们并不会赞助任何人,但有时候会给我发一些东西。我感觉Supreme一直是一个非常有特色的店铺,我和他们的店主James(James Jebbia)是老友了。我们在他开店之前就已经很熟了。Supreme给我的感觉一直是很不错,从一个店铺干成一个品牌很不容易,他们的产品也是相当与众不同,而且他们能够成功的运作出来,去创造出这个奇迹也是很不容易。


对话Sean Malto:

1.—-You are on Nike since last year? What do you think are the major differences between Nike and your former shoe sponsor Etnies?

Skatehere:你是去年才加入到Nike SB 队伍当中的,你感觉Nike 和你之前的滑板鞋赞助商Etnies 有何区别?

Sean Malto:You know it’s like you skate one shoe for so long ,and you kind of just wanna a change for something.the product of Nike is just so much better.Nike has so many resources,the shoes they make and how light shoes are.The Lunarlon,it’s just a night and day difference.

Sean Malto:如果你滑一种鞋时间太长的滑,你总会想去尝试下其他的鞋款。Nike的鞋子给人感觉会好一些,也许是因为Nike的资源比较多吧,他们在制鞋方面会很考究。Lunarlon的技术运用也是让鞋体更轻。

2.—–What is your favorite Nike SB Shoe?

Skatehere:你最喜欢的Nike SB 鞋款是哪双?

Sean Malto:When i first got on Nike ,i was skating a lot of Stefans,it’s an amazing shoe, i still skate a lot with that.Lately, i’ve been trying on cupsoles, so i was skating a lot of Eric’s shoe. And also i skated with dunks a little bit too.I like the variety.

Sean Malto:我刚加入Nike的时候一直特别喜欢穿Janoski。我感觉Janoski是相当神奇的一款鞋,我现在也经常用它滑板。最近我在试一些杯状底的鞋子,所以一直在滑很多像Koston 1 这样的鞋款,偶尔也会用一些Dunk鞋款。我喜欢Nike 的这种多样性。

3.—-Are you getting your first Pro Model too? and what elements will you put in if you start to design your Nike Pro Model?

Skatehere:你会出你自己的签名款Nike 滑板鞋么?如果会的话,你会在鞋子上加入哪些元素?

Sean Malto:Now i’m just trying out every shoe types,trying to figure out what i like,not a pro model shoe but im working on a shoe called “One Shelf” right now. still kind of seeing the process work.

Sean Malto:我在尝试不同的鞋款,正在感觉自己想要什么样的一款鞋。我现在正在参与设计一款名字叫“One Shelf”(音)的鞋,不是我的签名款,主要是去参与感受鞋品的设计主过程。

4.—-In your video, you are always wearing a lot of escapist t-shirts and their video came out last year too.Could you tell us how escapist influenced you and how is skateboarding in Kansas City?


Sean Malto:It’s been pretty good. Escapist is the shop that got me on girl by and it has been a big support  for the local skate scene.Yeah ,the Escapist Video came out last year, it was called “Red and Yellow”.

Sean Malto:堪萨斯城这几年的滑板还不错。当初我是通过Escapist才得到了Girl 的赞助,而且Escapist对堪萨斯城的影响也是一直很大。Escapist的滑板电影去年也是正式上映,叫做“Red And Yellow”喜欢的朋友可以查看一下。

5.—-You will be competing in this year’s Street League,who do you find is the most competitive person in the game?

Skatehere:你会参加今年的Street League 比赛,你感觉谁是比赛里最具竞争力的?

Sean Malto:The most competitive?I think Nyjah is pretty competitive,but most competitive ,  would be PRod or Ryan (Ryan Sheckler),Nyjah is a different kind of competitive, he wants to win,but in a quietly way.But Paul & Ryan really focus on winning, when the course design come out, they will build up obstacles like the course and start training.

Sean Malto:最具竞争力?我想Nyjah很具有竞争力,但最具竞争力或者说最赢的应该是PRod或者Ryan Sheckler吧。Nyjah可能也很想赢,但并不会表现出来。PRod 和Ryan则是真的很想赢比赛。当场地设计图出来之后,他们会去建造类似的障碍,然后去练习。


Skater Plus+:对话Eric Koston与Sean Malto

Post By: wolfhowl @ 二 02, 2013
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