Stefan Janoski加入香港8Five2滑板队伍

来自香港的8Five2 Skateshop近日宣布Stefan Janoski加入到其队伍当中,其实Stefan Janoski一直保持着与8Five2 滑板店良好而又紧密的关系,在港期间二者不仅共同完成了 8Five2 xNike SB Janoski合作鞋款的设计与制作,同时8Five2对Stefan 在港的生活也是照顾有佳。欢迎视频拍摄则是选在了8Five2与Vans共同兴建的Sk85IVE2室内滑板场。

I’ve known Stefan Janoski since 2001 when Tim O’Connor brought him to HK.  He became our close friend ever since.  All of us here are always a huge fan of his skateboarding and knowing him, he’s not only an amazing skateboarder but also a unique amazing person with a great sense of humour, not to mention an amazing artist as well.  We’ve been repping Habitat and Nike SB since the very beginning, so everything fits sort of perfectly.

(我从2001年就与Stefan Janoski认识了,当时是借以Tim O’Connor之力,他来到香港,从那以后他就成为了我们的好朋友
他不仅是一位优秀的滑手,同时也特别幽默,当然他的艺术设计也是别具一格,我们从建店开始就一直在代理着Habitat和Nike SB,所以Stefan加入到我们队中也是非常合适。)

2 years ago, Stefan came to me and asked if he’s allowed to ride for 8FIVE2SHOP, I was in AWE, super super honoured and it’s a no brainer.  We always wanted him to ride for our shop but of course, we always don’t feel good enough to as such an amazing skateboarder to ride for us.


I just want to thank Stefan for the support over all these years.  More to come.  Stefan is a close family to us.

———————–Julius Brian Siswojo



拍摄:Anthony Claravall

剪辑:Dani Bautista


Post By: wolfhowl @ 十一 12, 2012
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