The Hundreds x Iwan Smit 2012秋冬合作系列新品

来自LA的Streetwear品牌The Hundreds近日联名荷兰艺术家Iwan Smit推出了一系列合作款新品。该系列合作款产品包括图案T恤,圆领汗衫以及Snapback搭扣帽,均以Iwan Smit标志性的艺术风格为主要图案设计,此系列新品于9月13日在荷兰指定零售商有售,15日将上架The Hundreds 门店,17日在The Hundreds Online Store有售。

Iwan Smit来自荷兰,以大胆,杂乱却又不失主题的色彩与卡通图案运用为主要设计风格,同时也制作颇为怪异的手工雕刻品。

关于此次The Hundreds与其的合作Iwan Smit讲到:

“What I tried to do for this line was to create images that not necessarily respond to each other by context, but told a story apart from each other. The color scheme ties the line together.(我想让此次我与The Hundreds的这条合作产品线不仅在内容和配色主题上相呼应,同时也能反映出双方各自的风格)

The problem sometimes with an overlapping theme is that the images start to blend into each other. I really wanted to avoid that so that’s why I choose to go a different direction.(重叠效果似乎总会让图案变得相互模糊,我非常想避免这种情况发生,这也是我为何会选择另一个方向展开此次创作)

I don’t like pre-chewing the content of the illustrations, and I find it hard to answer the question of what the story is behind the images. I like it when people let their own imagination tell the story. “(我不喜欢直接表达出我的设计图稿含义,当然很多时候也很难回答我所设计的东西的含义,我喜欢让大家的想像随意飞)

—————————– Iwan Smit

Source:The Hundreds

Post By: wolfhowl @ 九 15, 2012
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