Skater Plus+:对话Eric Koston

本期Skater Plus+走进滑板传奇人物Eric Koston,在他的身上有太多的故事发生,不妨通过此次访谈看看Eric Koston最近在忙些什么,他的新鞋Koston 2什么时候会发布,还有他最喜欢的滑手及影片都是什么。


1.Hi,Eric,How have you been?And what are you busy with lately?


Eric Koston:Been pretty good,came to this event and had a lot of fun.I’ve been busy filming for the Girl video,running behind the schedule a little bit.

(最近还不错,借着City Jam回到中国,感觉很有意思。我最近一直在忙着拍Girl的新片,现在我的拍摄部分有点落后于计划了,得加紧努力。)


2.You were here last year,too. What do you think of this year’s event and how do you think about the skaters here?


Eric Koston:It’s pretty good,I think this year is a little bigger,still can’t believe it’s only 2 years and this year we get more involved with different athletes.The skaters here are pretty good.I think they got twice as good as last year too.



3.When are you guys gonna leave,and how is the Girl video doing?


Eric Koston:They leave on about 27th i think,but i’m staying for one more week,i think Guy is coming too.We will try to get some footages here. Everyone is trying their best to get footages for the video.It’s going to be pretty good.

(他们大概会在27号左右离开,我可能会在上海多呆一周,我想Guy Mariano也会过来,我们会在这儿尝试积累到一些片段,现在每个队员都在非常努力的去积累他们的部分,这部新片肯定会非常令人期待。)


4.Who’s your favourite skater in the team and who is your favourite skater in general?


Eric Koston:My favorite skater would always be Mark Gonzalez.I don’t know,everyone in the team i guess,Guy and Howard are pretty good,Vincent Alvarez always has a great part.

(我最喜欢的滑手一直是Mark Gonzalez,至于在队伍里我最喜欢谁我也不知道,大家都非常优秀,Guy Mariano和Rick Howard我们一直都是非常好的朋友,还有Vincent Alvarez,他总是会有非常不错的滑板部分发布出来)


5.What is your favorite skateboarding video?


Eric Koston:Gee,it’s really hard to pick one favorite video,but i always like the Bones Brigade Videos,Ban This,Propaganda etc.

(想要选出我最喜欢的滑板电影真的很难,但我一直都非常喜欢老一些的Bones Brigade滑板电影,《Ban This》,《Propaganda》这些。)


6.Everyone is looking forward to seeing the Eric Koston 2.Are you working on it already?

(每个人都非常期待Eric Koston 2你的第二双签名款Nike签名款滑板鞋,你们开始筹划设计了么?)

Eric Koston:Yes,we are still working on it, and hopefully it will drop in next year summer.There are a few modifications and changes.Wait and see for yourself.

(是的,我们已经着手设计Koston 2了,希望在明年夏季时候可以正式推出,相较于Koston 1会有一些在简单的修改和改造,大家可以拭目以待。)


7. You were using a McCrank Board during the event.Ricky McCrank and Guy Mariano are both your close friends and skate homies,who do you like to skate with more?

(你在活动期间一直在用Ricky McCrank的签名款板面,Ricky McCrank和Guy Mariano都是你非常要好的朋友和滑板战友,你更喜欢和他们俩谁一起滑板?)

Eric Koston:They are both very positive guys, Ricky loves rails and i was kind of inspired to skate rails with him, Guy is really mellow and creative. I love skating with both of the guys.

(他们都是非常积极的滑手,Ricky McCrank喜欢滑扶手,这也激发了我一起和他来滑扶手。Guy Mariano则是非常的随和,也非常会创新,我喜欢和他们两个一起滑板。)


8.How do you feel about being a Nike skateboarder,compared to before?


Eric Koston:To me ,this is like a dream come ture.Before i was a sneaker collector even when i ride for Es and Lakai,i was collection Jordans and other sneakers for like 18 years.And now i can get involved in the making of sneakers and have my own shoe.It is amazing.Designing shoes would be my other hobby besides skating.Also i have a lot of chance talking and meeting major Nike athletes.I really like it.

(我感觉就像是美梦成真了一样,在之前我一直是一个鞋品收藏者,即便是在我是Es和Lakai的滑手的时候也依然在收集乔丹和其他鞋款,大概有18年之久。如今我可以加入到鞋品设计当中甚至有我自己的Nike 签名款滑板鞋,这种感觉无以言表。除了滑板以外,鞋品设计无疑是我的另一大爱好。当然加入到Nike 以后我也有了更多和其他优秀运动员交流的机会,我很喜欢这种感觉。)


9.How is the Berrics and Fourstar doing in the current economic downturn?And will you be turing more into a corporate runner instead of a Pro skater?


Eric Koston:The economic downturn hits the market pretty strong.The Berrics is doing pretty well, it’s getting bigger and we now have 24 employees but still need a lot of help. It’s huge responsiblities too.We dropped ourclothing line last year,and it was pretty good response.As for Fourstar, Guy and  me are still doing our best to promote the brand,we have been trying for more than 10 years now,and will keep trying it our ways.

(的确经济萧条给市场带来了很大的冲击。现在Berrics还算不错,正在不断的扩张,影响力也是越来越大,我们现在有24个职员,但还是感觉人手不够,当然运营Berrics也让我有相当大的责任感。我们在去年发布了服饰线的第一系列产品,大家的反馈还是蛮不错的。至于Fourstar我和Guy Mariano一直在不断的去推广这个品牌,我们已经尝试去做这个牌子做了10年,而且我们会继续去做下去。)


10.Where is PRod now?Why wasn’t he able to make it this time?


Eric Koston:He is at Street League right now,also Shane O’Neill and Ishod. Hopefully they can have great results.

(他正在准备Street League的比赛,还有Shane O’Neill 和Ishod Wair。希望他们会在比赛中取得好的成绩。)


Post By: wolfhowl @ 九 16, 2012
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