Vans Pro Skate Team China Tour 东莞Part 4更新
很明显,Vans官网对此次Vans Pro Skate Team China Tour 的新闻更新又慢了整整好几拍,Vans Team已于昨日结束了成都的Demo活动并当夜奔赴上海继续进行其将于2013年推出的Vans Video的素材拍摄。无论如何还是来看看Vans官网上刚刚更新的Part 4吧!感兴趣的朋友还可以点击查看之前的Part 1,part 2 & part3回顾
时间: 2011.11.15
人物:摄影师Anthony Acosta ,摄像师:Greg Hunt,滑手:Anthony Van Engelen, Andrew Allen, Chris Pfanner,
Chima Ferguson Gilbert Crockett ,以及Vans中国team:P Dan ,王汇丰,摄影师:Tommy Zhao
“It’s always surreal traveling to foreign countries where skateboarding isn’t as commonplace as it is in The States.
People have a different appreciation when they see tricks being done.It’s as if it’s black magicsort of secret power over the board that doesn’t make sense to those witnessing, like the skater has some In those cases crowds gather.
They ooh and they ahh. They applaud. They are thankful for the sorcery the men are performing, unlike in America , where they don’t believe in magic and instead of cheering they yell to take their tricks somewhere else before the cops are called. So today our guys aren’t just skaters in China, they’re magicians, conjurers of mystifying tre flips. Thier nollie flips are otherworldyand revered and that’s the reason everyone keeps going back to China; they get it.That and their spots are unbelievable.”
AVE对行乞的这位女士感到好奇!Chima Ferguson则是直接穿着酒店备用拖鞋到处走
围观的路人,站立其中的 Jamie Hart (Vans TM)
来自奥地利的Chris Pfanner
source : vans
Post By: Mr.Robot @ 十一 18, 2011