Skatehere Weartested x Vans Ultrarange Pro企业评测


上个礼拜Skatehere再次与Vans合作Weartested 找来Fly上海,1985深圳,Hero广州,POGO成都,Woll Up长沙,企业内5个滑板店滑手以及Vans Pro胡天祐,AM徐兆 挑选了3个地形分别测试新款Ultrarange Pro在各个方面的性能!鞋测文章以及视频在Skatehere独家放出!



老实说在市面上,Vans并不是以推出那些最有科技性的滑板鞋而闻名。相反,该公司是以在滑板历史上扎根已久的Tony Alva,Stacy Peralta以及Z-boys等人在70年代把Vans作为完美的滑板鞋而闻名;以其耐磨性和厚橡胶鞋底而闻名,当时的Vans鞋已经找出了适合制造滑板鞋的持久配方。但在过去的50年,滑板只是变得越来越复杂。随着更多的技术性动作,更大的台阶,更大的扶手,现在的滑手们迫切需要越来越多的科技性设计来适应现代滑板的复杂性。有着一队像Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Chris Pfanner, Kyle Walker和Curren Caples等重量级滑手,Vans知道他们需要制作一款可以承受从台阶缓冲到翻板等磨损的滑板鞋。现在的最近几年,Pro Skate系列已经推出,而像Duracap和Wafflecup等更具科技性的元素也开始出现在了Vans的滑板鞋上。但就在过去的一个月,Vans反转了剧本,并推出了其迄今为止最有科技性的Vans Pro Skate鞋款Ultrarange Pro。Ultrarange Pro的鞋型结构将首先吸引你的眼球,这双鞋看起来几乎就像是一双运动训练鞋,甚至看起来像是从跑鞋中汲取灵感的。不过千万别被它的外表所迷惑,Ultrarange Pro配备了三个主要科技元素,来让你在2017年滑起板来尽可能的舒适。Duracap用以增强其耐磨性,Luxliner提高了其稳定性,最后就是一种结合模制的外底结构,可以在不牺牲缓冲性的前提下来减少鞋子的重量。我们有幸被Vans给到这次机会,不仅测试了这双鞋,还在上海举行了一个专业的Weartested活动。一起来看看下面的测评,了解一下这双鞋的表现如何,然后再通过回顾视频片段来看看国内的一些当地滑手是如何滑这双Ultrarange Pro的。


Let’s be honest here. Vans doesn’t have the reputation of putting out the most technical skate shoes in the market. Instead, the company is known for their deep-rooted history in skateboarding with Tony Alva, Stacy Peralta and the Z-boys handpicking Vans as the perfect skateboard shoe to shred in during the 70’s. Known for their durability and thick rubber sole, Vans shoes back then had already figured out the long lasting formula of creating a suitable skate shoe. But over these 50 years…skateboarding has only gotten gnarlier. With more technical tricks, larger stairs, and bigger handrails, skaters nowadays are in desperate need of more technical designs adapted for the gnarliness of modern day skateboarding. With a team stacked with heavy hitters like Geoff Rowley, Tony Trujillo, Chris Pfanner, Kyle Walker and Curren Caples, Vans knew they needed to produce a skate shoe model that could take the wear and tear across the board from stair stomping to flip-in flip-out skateboarding. Now in the more recent years, the Pro Skate line was introduced, and technologies such as Duracap and Wafflecup were taking on momentum as the more technical elements featured in Vans’ skate shoes. But just this past month, Vans flipped the script and revealed the most technical Vans Pro Skate model to date, the Ultrarange Pro. The silhouette of the Ultrarange Pro will be the first to catch your eye; the shoe almost looks like an athletic trainer or even looks like it’s design took inspiration from running shoes. But don’t let it’s exterior fool you, the Ultrarange Pro is outfitted three major technical elements to make skateboarding in 2017 as comfortable as possible; there’s Duracap for reinforced durability, Luxliner for enhanced stability, and finally, a co-molded outsole that decreases the weight of the shoe without sacrificing cushioning. We were given the opportunity by Vans to not only test the shoe, but to also hold an industry Weartested event in Shanghai, China. Check out the review below to see how the shoe fared, and then peep our recap video to see some of China’s local rippers skate up the Ultrarange Pro.



Vans Ultrarange Pro为正常尺码。


The Vans Ultrarange Pro fits true to size.





说到耐磨性,对于Vans Ultrarange Pro来说是最不需要担心的。和我们在今年三月份测试的Vans Gilbert Crockett 2相似,鞋子前面三分之一处有Duracap橡胶层保护。如果你观察过鞋子,你也可以注意到在第一个鞋带孔附近的麂皮下面有一些褶皱,那就是Duracap。那一层薄薄Duracap橡胶层加固不仅可以作为磨损的第二层防御,还可以支撑起脚趾区域的结构,比其他只有一层薄麂皮的鞋子能提供更多的保护。由于侧壁的缝线处从通常的ollie破洞区往后移了,所以在我们的测试中并没有出现任何破洞,更好的是,鞋带也没有被扯坏。总的来说,鞋子的耐磨性很好,麂皮面没有什么磨损,鞋子底下的结构也足以延长鞋子的寿命。


The durability of the Vans Ultrarange was the least of our concerns when it came to the weartest. Similar to the Vans Gilbert Crockett 2 that we tested back in March, the Ultrarange Pro was outfitted with a layer of Duracap rubber in the first third of the shoe. If you look at the shoe, you can also notice a small ripple effect underneath the suede near the first eyelets, which is as far back as the Duracap goes. The thin rubber layer of Duracap reinforcement is not only there to act as a second layer of abrasion defense, but it also helps to hold up the structure of the toe cap area, and provides a bit more protection than most shoes with one thin layer of suede. No blow out spots occurred during our weartest since the side wall’s seams were pushed a bit back away from the usual Ollie hole area, and even better, no laces were ripped. All in all, the durability of the shoe was good; the suede didn’t wear away much and even when it does, the shoe has enough structure underneath the suede to prolong its lifespan.




Ultrarange Pro的形状确实有点窄,脚后跟到中足区域慢慢变瘦,在脚掌区域又慢慢变宽,最后在脚趾区域又变尖。有趣的是,当你穿着这双鞋子的时候,感觉确实很舒服就像穿着slip-on鞋子一样。就跟之前说的,鞋头区域有轻微的褶皱影响,那是因为麂皮下面的那层Duracap橡胶层的原因。一个与其他测试过的鞋子有所不同的地方就是橡胶大底的形状,外底整体的轮廓比较争气,鞋跟处的鞋底会突出一点,这也有助于做heelflip的招。脚趾区域的鞋头就有点凸起,这就使得在做flip动作的时候能让砂纸更多地与鞋子边缘接触。尽管鞋子的科技元素让Ultrarange Pro看起来像一双苗条时尚的滑板“跑鞋”,但它整体的形状和穿起来都比我们预期的要舒服很多和宽很多。


The shape of the Ultrarange Pro is quite narrow; the heel to the midfoot area slims down, and then widens out around the forefoot area before tapering into a pointy toe. Interestingly, when you wear the shoe, it feels quite comfortable similar to a slip-on. As mentioned earlier, the toecap piece also has a slight ripple effect, which is just the presence of the rubber Duracap layer beneath the suede. One thing that was a bit different than other models tested was the rubber outsole’s shape. The overall outsole was quite contoured, with the heel area of the shoe’s outsole protruding a bit that helped with heelflip tricks. The outsole around the toecap area was shaped a bit convex, which made have been designed on purpose to let the grip tape catch more edge of the shoe when it came to flip tricks. Although the technical elements of the shoe make the Ultrarange Pro seem like a narrow and sleek running inspired skate shoe, the overall shape and fit was quite comfortable and wider than we expected.





Vans研发中心对Ultrarange Pro的缓冲功能进行了许多试验。Vans试图去突破两个点,并且引进了全新的结合模制外底结构:采用高质量的减震材料,使鞋子尽可能的轻盈,从而减少滑手在跳各种台阶和gap时所消耗的体力。为了做到这一点,他们抛开了可拆卸鞋垫的想法,而是选择了鞋垫材料Ultracush Lite来制作中底。之后,他们将著名的华夫底制模做成中底,并在没有牺牲缓冲性的前提下创造了更轻盈的外底。盯着鞋底看,你可以在华夫底的胎面花纹之间发现模制的Ultracush Lite。在意识到没有可拆卸的鞋垫之后,我们满腹怀疑的开始了上海跳阶测试的第一跳。然而,这款鞋的Ultracush Lite外底鞋足以支撑8阶的冲击,厚而轻盈的外底几乎让我们感觉不到任何影响。


Cushioning was a feature of the Ultrarange Pro that went through many trials in the Vans R&D center. Vans tried to hit two points with their newly introduced Co-Molded Outsole: provide a high quality shock absorption material that would also make the shoe as light as possible to prolong the skater’s stamina for jumping down sets or gaps. To do this, they threw away the idea of a removable insole, and instead selected the insole material Ultracush Lite to be made into a midsole.  Afterwards, they molded the infamous waffle outsole to the midsole and created an outsole that was lighter, and didn’t sacrifice cushioning. If you look at the sole, you can see the molded Ultracush Lite coming out from in between the tread patterns of the waffle sole. After realizing that there was no insole to remove, we were skeptical at first jumping down sets during our Shanghai weartest. However, the shoe’s Ultracush Lite outsole was more than enough support to handle skating an 8 stair, and barely any impact could be felt through the shoe’s thick, but light, outsole.





仅供参考,滑板鞋底的选择一直在杯状底和硫化底之间挣扎。 杯状鞋底可以提供更好的缓冲,而硫化底可以提供更好的控板感与抓板性。尽管Vans的Pro Skate型号大部分都采用硫化外底,但Ultrarange Pro却是采用了杯状鞋底设计,它的卖点在于缓冲与冲击保护。当我们第一次看到这个鞋子的时候,我们都认为这双鞋子应该会比较厚实、笨重,况且缓冲作为鞋子的一大亮点,可能在一定程度上会牺牲控板感。出乎意料的是,在滑了四小时之后,鞋子终于完全适应了,并且控板感非常棒。这就是为什么Vans选择更薄更轻的Ultracush Lite,而不是采用Ultracush HD作为中底,这也使得更容易就能感受到板面了 。最初外底的抓板性都差不多,但是在滑了10小时之后,还是和原来的硫化底鞋一样不能保持其抓板性。也就是说,华夫底与其他鞋款相似,在磨损测试过程中抓板性非常出色也没有出现破洞。

Boardfeel and Grip

Just for reference, skateboarding shoes have always been battling between cupsole outsoles and vulcanized outsoles. Cupsole models can provide much better cushioning, while vulcanized models can provide much better boardfeel and grip. While the majority of Vans’ Pro Skate models have a vulcanized outsole, the Ultrarange Pro is a cupsole model whose marketing has really been focused on it’s cushioning and impact protection. When we first saw the shoe, we assumed that it would be quite thick and bulky, and since cushioning was a highlight of the shoe, board feel would be sacrificed. However, after skating the shoe for about four hours, the shoe was finally broken in, and the boardfeel was great. It helps that Vans chose a thinner and lighter Ultracush Lite instead of Ultracush HD to make their midsole, which made it easier to feel out the concave of the board. The initial grip of the outsole was fair, but didn’t maintain its grippiness during all 10 hours of skating like previous vulcanized models have. With that said, the waffle sole was similar to other models and was extremely grippy with no blow out holes during the weartest.







现在我们来看看Ultrarange Pro在整个10小时的测试时间内真正让我们印象深刻的一部分。首先,Ultrarange Pro非常轻盈、透气。内侧具有一个网面,当你的脚在滑板时出汗,这可以使热空气排出。另外,Ultrarange Pro的内部具有称为Lux-Liner的无缝袜式结构,其本质就是鞋舌加上鞋侧两条固定的带子。Lux-Liner有两大出彩的地方。第一点是它固定性性和稳定性非常好;当人起跳下落时,鞋子都没有滑动而影响我们的翻板和接板。它还通过将冲击力引导到Ultracush Lite的中心来帮助控制落地时的冲击,从而防止脚后跟受伤。此外,Lux-Liner是由一种极其透气的网眼/丝绸材料制成的,从而保证了鞋舌部分的透气性。在夏天滑板的时候脚出汗是肯定的, Ultrarange Pro的透气性和Lux-Liner结构很好的降低了鞋内的热量。

Comfort and Stability

Now we’ve come to a part of our review where the Ultrarange Pro’s truly impressed us throughout our 10-hour weartest. To start things off, the Ultrarange Pro was extremely light, and breathable. The medial sidewall features a mesh panel that allows hot air to flow out when your feet get sweaty from skating. Moreover, the inside of the Ultrarange Pro features a seamless sock-fit construction called Lux-Liner, which is essentially a tongue that features tongue centering straps which connect to the sidewalls of the shoe. This Lux-Liner construction knocked the ball out the park for two reasons. First, it centered and stabilized very well; when it came down to jumping off sets, the shoe did not slip around to mess up our flick and catch. This stabilizer also helped control the impact of landing by directing the shock as central to the Ultracush Lite as possible, which prevents heel bruises. Moreover, the Lux-Liner construction was made of an extremely breathable mesh/silk material that also allowed heat to escape through the tongue. Sweating while you skate in the summertime is unpreventable, but the Ultrarange Pro’s breathability and Lux-Liner construction helped tone done the blistering heat.




无论如何,不要通过外观来评判Ultrarange Pro。这是一双适合现代滑板的很有高技术含量的滑板鞋,它在舒适性,耐用性,稳定性和缓冲性等方面都表现的十分出色,而在控板感和抓板性方面还能进步。


Whatever you do, don’t judge the Ultrarange Pro by its look. This is a technical shoe adapted for modern day skateboarding that excels when it comes to comfort, durability, stability, and cushioning, but could use a bit more improvement on boardfeel and grip.

Post By: wolfhowl @ 七 20, 2017
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