Weartested: Gilbert Crockett Pro 2



2008年的时候,Gilbert Crockett 带着他 Fallen 的 “Ride The Sky” 片段进入了大家的视野,并引起了大家足够的关注。那时的 Gilbert Crockett 还没有今天你所看到的那样成熟的风格,但是不难看出这个孩子会一直滑下去的。自从”Ride the Sky” 那个片段发布后,Gilbert 经历了一些改变,他离开了 Fallen 并加入了 Vans,更是被写入了Alien Workshop 的花名册。在 Alien Workshop 解散之后,他与AW的队友 Jake Johnson 还有 Tyler Bledsoe 一起去了Mother collective,也就是现在更名为Quasi Skateboards的那个滑板公司。虽然事情在不停的发生改变,但有一件事Gilbert一直在坚持着,他不断地在发布一些个人片段,这就告诉我们一旦事情尘埃落定,不仅是他的滑板,他的风格还有他那种原生的力量所产生的共鸣为什么都远比他的滑板公司名声要大。如果目前你还不明所云,那你可以去Youtube上看他“Doin’ Thangs”, “Old Diminion”, “Cellout”还有“Salt Life”的片段,然后再看看他在Vans “Propeller”中的片段。Gilbert那不可否认的职业道德以及受人尊敬的skate rat热情,在2014年更是为自己赢得了一双Vans个人签名款,而紧接着在今年,他的第二双个人签名款Gilbert Crockett Pro 2也发布了,设计也正切合Gilbert在滑板上那种原生狂野的风格。Gilbert Crockett Pro 2刚发布,我们就有幸拿到了这双鞋来进行测试。接下来一起看看这双Gilbert Crockett Pro 2在我们10小时的测试中将表现如何呢?


Gilbert Crockett came through and grabbed everyone’s attention in 2008 with his part in Fallen’s “Ride The Sky” video. Back then, a young Gilbert Crockett hadn’t fully matured into the style you see today, but it was plain and simple to see the kid’s skating was timeless. Since that video, Gilbert’s been through some changes; he left Fallen and joined Vans, was added to the heavy hitting Alien Workshop roster, then after Alien Workshop disbanded, he hopped on board with AW teammates Jake Johnson and Tyler Bledsoe to the Mother collective which ultimately changed it’s name to Quasi Skateboards. Amid these changes, one thing has been consistent; Gilbert has continuously been releasing parts, reminding us all that once the dust settles, his skating, his style and his raw energy resonates louder than which company he rides for. If you don’t know what we’re referring to, just look him up on Youtube and watch his “Doin’ Thangs”, “Old Dominion”, “Cellout”, and “Salt Life” parts, then wash it down with his Vans Propeller part. Gilbert’s undeniable work ethic and respectable skate rat passion had earned himself a Vans pro model in 2014, only to be followed up by another second pro model this year, the Gilbert Crockett Pro 2, designed fittingly for Gilbert’s raw energy and style on the board. The Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 was just released, and we were given the oppurtunity to put the shoes to the test. Read on below to see how the Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 performed in our 10 hour weartest.



Vans Gilbert Crockett Pro 2尺码为正常尺码。


The Vans Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 fits true to size.




与Gilbert Crockett 1上用的全麂皮鞋面不同的是,Vans Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 采用的是帆布鞋面并由高质量的麂皮鞋头包裹来抵御来自砂纸的磨损和撕扯。和Gilbert Crockett 1 以及之前评测过的 Kyle Walker Pro 相似,Crockett Pro 2 在麂皮鞋头区域采用了 Vans 非常著名的 Duracap。在把鞋子剪开后,可以明显看到 Duracap,而且Duracap不仅作为麂皮层磨损后的第二层防御的存在,还能很好的保持其结构从而防止脚趾区域像其他很多鞋子一样变得松软。在测试中,鞋子的耐磨性比较平均,麂皮鞋头能很好的应付那些翻板招,几乎看不出什么磨损的痕迹。不过,鞋子有一个地方被磨损的相当快,就是麂皮鞋头与帆布缝线的那个位置。在刷板一段时间后,缝线就被磨开,帆布鞋面就被扯开了一点,这就让鞋面本身承受了更多的磨损。此外,鞋带孔和帆布鞋面之间的缝线也被磨开了,这就导致了边上的 Vans logo 也被磨掉了。在这双鞋上有一个 Crockett 1 上没有采用的更新,就是把缝纫的 Vans logo 换成了涂层的 Vans logo。这一点非常有用,会让更多的磨损引向鞋带孔(帆布孔而不是金属孔)还有麂皮鞋头。总的来说,鞋子耐磨性最强的部分就是有 Vans Duracap 加持的麂皮鞋头,几乎就没有造成什么磨损,ollie 和 kickflip区域也没有磨开孔。


Instead of a full suede upper that was featured on the Gilbert Crockett 1, the Vans Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 features a canvas upper that is updated with a high quality suede toe cap to combat wear and tear when it comes to abrasion from griptape. Similar to the Gilbert Crockett 1 and also the previously weartested Kyle Walker Pro, the Crockett Pro 2 features Vans highly renowned Duracap within this suede toe cap area. After cutting the shoe open, the Duracap is highly visible and works great for not only acting as a second layer of defense once the suede wears out, but also mainting structure and preventing the toe from becoming floppy as seen in many other shoes. During the weartest, the durability of the shoe was fair; the suede toe-cap held up extremely well against flick tricks, and barely shown any signs of wear. However, one aspect of the shoe that wore down quite fast were the seams that attached the suede toecap to the canvas upper. After a few sessions, the seams were ripped and the canvas upper opened up a bit, which directed more abuse towards the upper itself. Moreover, the seams that held the eyelets with the canvas upper also ripped open, which caused the smaller Vans logo tag to fall off. An update on the shoe that wasn’t featured on the Crockett 1 is a screened on Vans logo as opposed to a stitched on logo; this was useful since it directed a lot more abrasion towards the eyelets (which were canvas holes and not metal) and also the suede toecap. All in all, the strongest part of the shoe when it came to durability was Vans’ Duracap infused suede toecap, which barely wore down, and had no open ollie or kickflip holes.




尽管鞋子本身第一印象看起来像一双硫化鞋,实际上Gilbertt Crockett 2就是一双杯状底鞋,并用了Vans著名的Wafflecup Construction,这种华夫底结构在很多Vans近期的鞋款包括Kyle Walker Pro的鞋型里都能看到。这种Wafflecup结构旨在把硫化底和杯状底鞋子的优点都结合起来,在不损失其控板感的情况下给我们提供更出色的缓冲性能。这双鞋还采用了Ultracush HD鞋垫,这无疑是Crockett 2在缓冲性能上的又一加分点,鞋垫本身在脚跟区域有不止1厘米的厚度并向脚趾区域逐渐递减从而提供最佳的控板感。在测试中,小到中级的落差都不是问题,脚后跟也会被非常稳定和安全的保护着,滑着这双鞋跳台阶根本就不会伤到脚后跟。


Although the shoe itself looks like a vulcanized model upon first impression, the Gilbertt Crockett 2 is actually a cupsole model, using Vans’ highly celebrated Wafflecup Construction. This wafflecup construction has been found in many of Vans’ more recent models including the Kyle Walker Pro. The aim of this Wafflecup construction is to hybridize the best of both vulcananized and cupsole models, giving us exceptional cushioning without sacrificing boardfeel. The shoe also uses the Ultracush HD insole, which has definitely been a highlight of the cushioning when it came to the Crockett 2. The insole itself is more than a centimeter thick around the heel area and tapers down drastically towards the toes to provide optimal boardfeel. When it came to the test, the cushioning was not a problem for small to mid level sets; the heel was extremely stable and secure and skating the shoe jumping down sets didn’t hurt the heels at all.



尽管这双鞋子包含有不少科技元素,但是 Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 看起来确实很小,鞋子内部也没有太多的填充物,大多数的保护看起来都集中在了鞋子的后三分之一部分也就是脚后跟的位置。这样,鞋子的重量分布很明显脚跟区域就会更重一点,鞋子前面三分之一部分就会轻好多。鞋子的形状确实很像 Era Pro,脚趾区域会逐渐变窄。但令人惊喜的是,脚宽一点的人穿这双鞋也很合适,这双鞋从外面看起来像一双极小的硫化鞋,但是穿的时候就会有更多的空间,不会觉得太紧。


Despite all the technical elements of the shoe, the Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 is quite minimal. There isn’t too much padding on the interior of the shoe, most of the focus when it comes to protection seems to be around the last third of the shoe where the heel is. With that said, the weight distribution of the shoe is significantly heavier in the heel area, and gets much lighter in the first third of the shoe. The shape of the shoe is quite similar to the Era Pro, where the toe tapers a bit at a point and then rounds out. Surprisingly, the shoe was a good fit for those who have wider feet; the shoe looks like a minimal vulcanized construction from the outside, but when worn, there was a lot of room and didn’t feel too cramped.




Gilbert Crockett 2 的控板感要比预期的好很多,尤其是对于一双杯状底鞋来说。像之前提过的那样,Ultracush HD 鞋垫在鞋子前三分之一部分会变得更窄,填充物也刚好够提供出色的控板感,这也能对你的脚提供一点缓冲保护的作用。有时候,太过于注重脚跟和脚趾的缓冲保护反而会大大影响其控板感,但是 Crockett Pro 2 在两者之间就抓到了一个很好的平衡点。至于抓板性,鞋子主要用来提供出色抓板性的科技元素就是 Wafflecup 结构,它的外底抓板性非常好,而且随着穿的时间越长,所表现出来的也越来越好。此外,首先受到砂纸磨损的就是外底,这就解释了为什么麂皮鞋头几乎没什么磨损了。鞋子刚从鞋盒里一拿出来抓板性就表现得很好了,不过在鞋子适应之后,以及随着翻板动作和ollie在特定区域的磨损之后,鞋子的抓板性就朝着你平时滑板的习惯来发展了。

Boardfeel and Grip

The boardfeel of the Gilbert Crocket 2 was much better than expected, especially for a cupsole model. As aforementioned, the Ultracush HD insole tapers down towards the first third of the shoe, where padding is enough for optimal boardfeel and a little bit of cushioning protection for the balls of your feet. Sometimes boardfeel is drastically affected when cushioning is overcompensated to prevent heel and toe bruises, but the Crockett Pro 2 had a very nice balance between the two. As for grip, the primary technical element of the shoe that provided for exceptional grip was the Wafflecup construction, which had an extremely grippy outsole that performed better and better with more wear. Moreover, a lot of the direct griptape abuse came in contact with the outsole first, which explains why the suede toe cap was barely worn down. If anything, the shoe was almost too grippy right out of the box, but after breaking the shoes in, the flicks and ollies wear down certain strike zones of the shoe and hone in on providing exceptional grip tailored to the way you skate.





鞋子稳定性比较平均,像之前说的那样,我们能分辨出鞋子的重量结构,更多的重点都放在了脚后跟的稳定性和缓冲上了。由一块厚的橡胶复合材料制成的鞋跟后衬也是比较强大的,非常有助于脚后跟的稳定。不幸的是,鞋子没有鞋舌松紧带来固定鞋舌,让脚在适当的位置从而能收到鞋舌更好的保护。结果就是,在我们很多次的测试中,滑板的时候鞋舌总会滑到左边或者右边。总之,鞋子穿起来还是很舒服的,配备了Ultracush HD鞋垫,鞋舌和鞋领也有着比较舒适的贴合。鞋领和鞋舌的填充了采用了同样的泡沫复合材料,因为有很多脚背的热气都是从鞋舌散出去的,所以对于鞋子而言也是有一定的透气性的。不幸的是,除了鞋子内侧的两个小孔,就没有用于透气性的东西了。对于那些在滑板后容易出脚汗的滑手来说,两个小孔以及鞋舌的泡沫复合材料完全不足以散去热气。

Comfort and stability

Stability was fair. As aforementioned, we could tell from the weight distribution of the shoe, much more focus was put towards stability and cushioning in the heel. There was a strong inside heel counter made out of a thick rubber composite that helped very much with stabilizing the heel. Unfortunately, the shoe didn’t have elastic tongue straps to help secure the tongue and hold the feet in place to be protected by the padded tongue. As a result, there were many times during the weartest where the tongue would slip to the left and right while skating. All in all, the shoe was still comfortable to wear; the padding from the Ultracush HD insole, tongue and the heel collar provided for a comfortable snug fit. The padding used in the heel collar and the tongue were both made out of the same foam composite and helped a bit with the breathability of the shoe, since a lot of heat from the dorsal surface of the feet needs to escape through the tongue. Unfortunately, apart from the two small holes on the medial side of the shoe, there wan’t much more for breathability. For those who often get sweaty feet from skating, the two small holes and foam composite from the tongue doesn’t help much to vent out the heat.







Vans Gilbert Crockett Pro 2是一双配备了Vans重磅专利技术的低帮鞋款。有了Wafflecup Construction的加持,鞋子在缓冲性,控板感和抓板性上都表现得很出色,至于耐磨性而言还是能有更多的期望的。


The Vans Gilbert Crockett Pro 2 is a seemingly low profile shoe that packs a heavy technical punch with Vans’ patented technologies. With thanks to the Wafflecup Construction, the shoe excels the most when it comes to cushioning, boardfeel and grip, but leaves more to be desired when it comes to durability.


Post By: wolfhowl @ 三 01, 2017
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