参加Skatehere微博线上”Best Trick”比赛赢adidas Awaydays限量产品!内附视频
随着最近adidas 筹备了很久的大片 AwayDays的首映,adidas skateboarding的人气激增!我们专门为中国滑手举办一次adidas的线上微博比赛活动赢得adidas AwayDays的限量款产品!从明天开始,skatehere将举办3层台阶“Best Trick”微博比赛,你可以在6/1号到6/20号之间上传你的参赛视频,最佳动作会在任意地形的3层台阶选出。如果你看了我们的宣传视频,其中基本诠释了比赛规则:你可以选择任意动作跳上3层或者跳下3层,我们会选取一个动作!无论你的动作出彩,奇特,或者难度高,都会成为我们选择获胜者的条件!今天开始就赶紧拍摄你自己的3层台阶动作发布到微博上 @Skatehere滑板中文网 @adidasOriginals 别忘了,微博中必须加上#AwayDays3StripeContest#才有资格进入我们的评选之中!之后我们将会评选出3名获胜者赢得adidas限量产品,转发这条微博的朋友我们也会抽出一名获得adidas 产品哦!
With the recent release of Away Days in Shanghai, adidas Skateboarding is hosting an online weibo contest for the skaters in China. Starting tomorrow, skatehere will be hosting a weibo best trick video contest from June 1st to June 20th . The brand with three stripes wants to see your best trick down a three stair; if you’ve seen our promo video for this contest you know that even though it’s a three stair, the tricks are gonna get gnarly. You can skate down it or you can skate up it. To enter, film your best trick, upload your video on weibo and @Skatehere滑板中文网, @adidasOriginals and #AwayDays3StripeContest#. On June 20th Skatehere will choose a 1st, 2nd ,and 3rd place entry to win an adidas Away Days prize pack. Take advantage of those sunny days, film your tricks and send them in!