FYI: 宗教色彩的滑板品牌-三 Skateboarding

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三 Skateboarding作为一个美国人在中国创建的滑板品牌,之前消息Drew Fraser离开了Shox加入了三滑板,正巧这次三滑板的成员Josiah Wuthier 拍摄了一部新的滑板video,星期五将在Skatehere独家首发. 我们还专门采访了他们的主理人James 和设计师 JP 不远万里来到南宁开创品牌,以及滑板与宗教在中国意想不到的结合过程,感兴趣的朋友可以来了解一下三滑板的故事。







Back in the day I was sick of my life. I was doing drugs and drinking and lost. And then one day I met someone amazing. Jesus. Since then we’ve been rolling together. That was around 24 years old. Pretty much right away God told me to get out of england where im from. So I got a Job teaching english in japan but I knew I wasn’t supposed to stay in Japan so I went to a bible school in Thailand because I’d finally figured out the most important thing was to know God. And that was all I wanted to do. God’s been teaching me His ways and with that bible school I came to China for 2 weeks in 2004. Before I came to China I wanted to live and work in Bangkok reaching out to skaters. I even started to learn thai. But when I was in China God really showed me how much he loves Chinese people and it was such a powerful revelation that it turned all my plans upside down. I began to ask God a new question, “do you want me to Go to china? to live in china, to give my life to China?” and after allot of talking to him and Lots of different signs and dreams and all the different ways God talks to people; I know that thats what he wanted me to Do. So I bought a ticket to Nanning. First week I was in Nanning I immediately went to find the skaters cause I wanted to go skate. I had no clue if here was anyone skating in nanning. Someone told me of a place called Baifenbai. So I caught the bus and went and checked it out. There were maybe 10 guys skating. And we still skate together now and then ten years later. Some of them have become good friends. Others have become Family.


JP: 我的故事和James的有点相似,我也是从耶稣那得到启示就来到了南宁。大约在2007年,我当时想弄清楚我心里到底想做些什么呢?当时我正在朋友的孤儿院里工作,弄了一个滑板社团,我也意识到这不是我真正想要的生活。但是我也知道如果我想要生活真正的改变,就得有一个长远的目标激励自己,因为我当时只有20岁,所以我就计划可以先到外面的世界去看看。但是我也有我自己的顾虑,这样的顾虑也导致我不敢去问上帝我到底应该做什么呢?如果你没有背叛过他,上帝就会告诉你应该做的。圣经里有一句话就是说:“Perfect love casts out all fear“,当我读了之后我就感受到了上帝的爱,无论上帝让我做什么我都会去跟随。当我在浴室里祷告的时候,上帝也给我展示了一张地图,那是中国的地图,他给我指示了一个地方而我听起来就像是在说那就是南宁,刚开始我觉得自己有点愚蠢,觉得那只不过是一个听起来像中文的地方吧,后来发现南宁真的就是一座城市,并且就在他给我指的位置,所以后来我就买了一张飞机票飞来南宁。我当时还不知道这里是否有人滑板,在那时我一个人都不认识,完全不懂中文,都不知道要在哪里生活。让我庆幸的是,在我离开前,我爸爸的朋友原来就住在南宁帮我找了个地方住了下来。当我一到南宁,没有事做就每天去xi da liu bi滑板,我不认识任何人非常孤独,我每天就在祈祷希望有一个能够和我一起滑板的哥们,所以一些当地人就告诉有个叫James的是个不错的滑手,他是个教英语的,后来有一天我碰到了他在滑板,于是接下来就一拍即合了。

My story is a little similar to James in that I also heard specifically from God to move to Nanning. It was back in about 2007 that I was just really trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I was in Ecuador working with a friend’s orphanage and skateboarding group and just really felt in my heart that this was really the type of thing that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. But I also knew that if I wanted to see young peoples lives changed that I would have to make a long term commitment to somewhere and that really scared me because I was only 20 yrs old and I had my own plans to travel the world first. I realized that I had this fear in my heart and that fear was hindering me from really genuinely asking God what I should do, because what’s the point in asking God what he wants for you if you are not going to obey Him? So theres this verse in the bible that says ‘ Perfect love casts out all fear’. When I read that, I was reminded that God’s love and plan is perfect, so no matter where He tells me to go or what He tells me to do or how long I’m supposed to go for, whatever He says is the best. Thats when I told God I’ll go anywhere for however long you want me to. Not long after that I was praying in the bath tub and I had a vision inside of my head and God showed me a map of China and He showed me a location on the map and I heard Nanning, initially I just thought thats dumb, I’m just making that up because its just a Chinese sounding name, but I said how long do you want me to go for and God said ‘Longer than it takes to learn Chinese’. So when I got out of the shower I looked at a map and found that Nanning was a real place and and exactly where He had shown me, so I bought a plane ticket and flew to Nanning. I also didn’t know if anyone skated there, i didn’t know anybody, I barely knew any Chinese, I didn’t even know where I was going to live. The day before I left, my dad’s friend’s inlays turned out to live in Nanning and hooked me up with a place to stay. Once I got to nanning I also just went skating everyday at Xi Da Liu Bi- one of the oldest spots in Nanning. It was super lonely and so I was praying everyday for a brother who would want to do this skateboarding thing with me. So the locals were telling me about this guy James who was a sick skater who thought he was teaching english or something and then one day I bumped in to him skating at some weird half pipe spot and the rest is history.




James: 有一天,我在外面滑一些半管U池的地方,从我的经验来看,我觉得他只不过是个年轻小伙,教教英语泡泡妞之类,平时生活里就是各种party,所以刚开始有点尴尬,我都不想跟他说话。

One day I was out skating some half pipe spot. From my experience with other foreigners in Nanning, I just thought this guy was some young guy, teaching english, trying to score with Chicks, and live some kind of party life style. So it was a bit awkward at first. I didn’t really want to talk to him .

JP: 第一次一起滑板的时候我们确实没怎么说过话,哈哈。

We didn’t talk the entire time we first skated. haha


From living in Asia , Japan and Thailand, I just assumed it was the same thing, history repeating itself you know what I mean? The next day was Sunday though, and someone called me up on the phone talking to me about doing the music and worship for a church service, which I still do now, but back then I was a bit worried because people had told me that you weren’t allowed to be a Christian in China. I’ve grown up alot since then. So I told JP that I had a business meeting the next day, and he must have thought it a bit weird that I was playing music at a business meeting. haha. Pretty funny looking back.

JP: 那是很有趣因为我记得我还挺失望的,因为我希望他是个基督教徒,这样的话我就可以去他的教堂了,哈哈。

Thats funny cause I remember being bummed,.. Cause I was hoping he was a christian and I could go to his church. haha


Later that night when we just chilling together sitting on a ledge, we both figured out that were both christians and JP asked me what I wanted to do here. At that point in my life my dream was just to have big house where there could be a mini ramp inside and people could just come and skate freely and hangout and just enjoy skating together and doing life together. Also a place where people could experience God. Experience what true love is. A place where I could serve the skaters. And it seemed like Jp has the exact same plan.


And I was like,… Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….. Thats exactly what I want to do… How crazy is that. Anyway, it was literally the second time we hung out that we started talking about what would eventually become “San” like 6 years later. I remember before I left James telling me about how the vikings would burn their ships on arrival at a new land so that they had to conquer the land before they built new ships to go home. So went home made some money and gave away everything I owned and told everyone i was moving to China and might never come back again. For real. I was sold out.



James:经历了一些冒险、试验、挫折和成就之后,我们在2013年年中正式创办了三滑板,在异国家建立一家公司是很不容易的,但是在这过程中我们的朋友也帮助了我们不少,上帝真的让很多人给出他们自己的钱,这样我们就有足够的投资来创办公司,这些人相信我们所做的一直到现在都是,都是朋友大家庭里的人,有些我们甚至从来没见过。上帝做了这么多奇妙的事情,比如说给我们一个非常合适的地方来办公,就在这个城市最著名的滑板地点民生广场的上面,以一个非常不错的价格谈了一个5年的合同。我记得公司成立的过程是非常艰辛的,我们时不时感觉到有种种力量阻止我们创办公司。记得有一次我骑着我的电动车回家时,完全就是筋疲力尽了,并且很生气,我问上帝:“我真的能把这做好吗?”我真的能把这些做好吗?后来的那天晚上,在家洗碟子的时候我再一次问上帝,我真的需要一个答案。而在我脑海里我非常清楚地听到了一条圣经经文:”有了耶稣,你能做任何事。” 这就是我所需要的一切,即使我自己的智慧和力量很有限,但是我依旧能做上帝所要让我做的,因为上帝的力量和智慧是无限的,我们冲破重重堵塞公司就建立起来了。

Skipping forward through many adventures, trials, setbacks and victories.. We started the company official, San skateboarding mid 2013. Its not easy to set up a company in a different country. But our friends consulting company walked us through the process. God really led lots of people to give their own money so that we would have enough investment to start the company. These people believed in what we wanted to do and they still do. Friends family, and even people we’ve never met. God did so many amazing things, Like gave us a brilliant spot for our company office, right above the cities most famous skate spot. Minsheng Guang Chang, at a really good price for a 5 year contract. I remember the company set up process as being a very difficult thing to do. And it felt like at times that there was very real powers blocking us from starting the business. I remember one time driving home in my electric bike, completely exhausted from it all, and angry at all the red tape. and I asked God, “Can I really do this?” and with all the other roles and responsibilities in my life do you really want me to take on another one like this? . Later that night when I was washing the dishes at home I began to ask God again, I really needed an answer. And I heard very clearly in my spirit a bible verse: “you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you” . That was all I needed to hear. Even though my own wisdom and strength is completely lacking, I can still do what God wants me to do. Because Gods strength and Gods wisdom is never lacking. We broke through the blockages and the company began.

JP: 在2013年的时候,James正在艰难地忙着给公司做文书工作,我回到了德国并在一座城堡里与我的妻子结婚了,而这又是另外一个故事了。所以基本上,当我从蜜月和走亲访友中回到中国时,我们就有了这个新公司,事实上我们根本不知道如何去很好地运作公司,我当时就管理了最开始的CAS队伍,而James正准备花4个月的时间回印度和英国拜访亲友。这绝对是我在中国以来最有压力以及最困难的时候,我记得我当时就想这也太糟了吧,有一家公司就一定要有那么多麻烦吗?我不知道我是否要继续下去,所以我一直会祈祷,因为我觉得这家公司就快要运营不下去了,而我的妻子也因为我的工作压力不能给她应有的关怀而要离开我了,尤其对于一对新婚夫妇来说,还是在外国。但是我每次祷告都会问上帝:”你觉得怎么样?你想要些什么。”他也送是会说:“三会很成功的。”我想说的是“三”真的得到了上帝很大的保佑,在我们的生活中就像训练一样,更加成熟,更加有经验。所以你现在看到的三滑板可以说是一个奇迹,它就是从荒芜中来到这片福地的,而我们周围的这个团队也是上帝他一手创造的,其他有着类似经历的人也成了大家庭中的一员了,在中国,他们也都致力地去爱上帝和滑板,我们对彼此还有中国人们都很真诚。我和James实际上也不算是真正的组织者,因为上帝给我们带来了像Drew还有TJ这样的重量级人物,这就显得非常得与众不同。在我们创办公司之间,我都不了解这个市场,但是上帝给我带来了Sam,她教了我们很多东西还帮助我们建立和运营品牌。她就是以一种让人理解的方式像创造“鲜血荣耀自由”那样体现我们的价值。或是像Josiah ,Dwoo ,Aze那样,他们每天晚上都能去和当地人一起滑板,就像从上帝那得到祝福一样。而我们都是已婚了,也越来越老了,我们有自己的孩子,我们需要照顾家庭,所以我和James就不能每天都去和朋友们一起滑板了,不过上帝给我们带来了其他人来填补这个空缺。总的来说,三滑板不只是属于我和James,它更是属于上帝的,如果仅仅只有我们的话它可能永远都不会成立,所以三滑板就是上帝组建的一个大家庭,来源于上帝也为上帝而生,上帝就能对世界上的每一位滑手展示他的爱。所以我们都知道,我们有一个天父,给我们都做好了打算,如果我们选择了他,我们就都会有希望。所以我们的计划就是继续去爱耶稣,爱滑手,爱滑板,尽我们所能去找些乐子变得更有创造性。三滑板不像房子一样,我们需要站着守卫,担心它倒下或吹走,而是我们能在里面的,并且能享受快乐的一样东西,因为它是上帝创建的。感谢你对我们的兴趣!感谢阅读我们的故事,一路上有数以百万计的故事和细节。我们希望这能成为友谊的开始,如果你有机会路过南宁想出来玩玩或是滑板的话,我们非常欢迎你的到来!

In the summer of 2013 when James was going through the trials and hardships of doing all the paper work for the company. I was back in Germany getting married to my wife in a castle. Which is another massive miracle story for another time. So basically when I got back to China from my honey moon and visiting family, we had this brand new company, we knew virtually nothing about how to run a good business, I was hosting the very first CAS team, and James was getting ready to take a 4 month long trip to go visit his family back in India and the UK. It was for sure the most stressful and difficult season in my life in China. I remember thinking, “this really sucks”… Is having a company really always gonna be this miserable, cause if it is …. man… I don’t know if i really want to do this. So I was praying allot. Because I basically felt like the company was gonna go out of business instantly and my wife was gonna leave me because I was so stressed about work I couldn’t give her the proper attention. Especially as a newly married couple in a foreign country where she didn’t really speak the language yet. But every time I would pray and ask God “what do you think, what do you want”, he would just say over and over, “SAN will be successful”. I would say that SAN has really been a massive blessing from God to us, like a special training tool in our lives to take us to another level of maturity and faith and experience with Him. So the season you see SAN in now is a real miracle, coming out of the desert in to a promised land. The team that God has formed around us is by His hand alone. Everyone else has some kind of similar story of God specifically speaking to them to become a part of the is family. They are all committed individually to Loving Jesus and Skating in China and we are also committed to each other and the Chinese people. For example, James and I aren’t exactly the most naturally organized individuals, but thats Ok, because God has brought guys like Drew and TJ who are super super into planning. And that has made a massive difference. Before we started, I knew nothing at all about marketing, But God was faithful to bring along people like Sam Sutherland who taught us so much and helped us get our branding set up and solid. She is actually the one who coined “blood glory freedom” helping us articulate our core values in an understandable way. Or like guys like Josiah and Dwoo and Aze who can just go skate with the locals every single night of the week, is such a blessing from God. Because as we get married and older and have kids we need to honor and love and take care of families. So James and I are in the season of life where we no longer can skater every single day with the people we Love. But God has brought these other guys along to fill that gap. Because at the end of the day, San isn’t James and JPs thing, but Its Gods. Its something that He has started and will continue to breathe life into for as long as He wants. If it was ever just us it would never have happened. So what San skateboarding really is, is a family united under God, With God and for God, so He can personally express how much He Loves every single skater in the world. So that we can all know that we have a heavenly father who has a good plan for all of us. And so we can all have hope if we choose Him. So our plan is to continue to just Love Jesus, Love skaters, Love skating, and have fun and be creative for as long as we can. San skateboarding isn’t like a house that we have to stand around guarding or worry about it falling down or blowing away. But its something we can live in and through and enjoy to the fullest because its established with God. Thanks so much for taking an interest in us !! Thanks for reading our story there are millions more stories and details from along the way. We hope this can be the start of a great friendship. If you are ever passing through Nanning or want to hangout and skate or whatever you are more than welcome.

Love James, JP and the whole San crew.


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星期五Josiah Wuthier的滑板视频将会在我们Skatehere网站首发,期待一下国外狂野的滑板风格与不可思议的中国地形碰撞出的火花吧。



Words by: James and JP from San Sankateboarding

Post By: wolfhowl @ 四 20, 2016
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