Skatehere 独家网络首映 – Droshky:From The Forest To Shenzhen


德国滑板品牌DROSHKY SKATEBOARDS 旗下滑手队伍最新视频《从森林到深圳》火热上线,四位滑手和一位摄像师的2015年滑板中国行,他们在不少深圳知名地形滑出个性片段,近14分钟不容错过



滑手:Tobias Engstler,Cyril Bayon,Anh Jyn Chau,Emu Ewals

拍摄,剪辑:Dennis Gǒtz


- 关于Droshky 滑板 -

Droshky Skateboards是一家来自德国的滑板公司,当其他的公司都把形象定位在他们自家滑手下double sets或是做一些很有风格和技巧的ledge招之类的玩命动作时,Droshky则是更注重由滑板而带来的一些欢乐时光,他们不仅仅是一家滑板公司,他们更可以说是一个滑板大家庭,他们的主要目标就是想让尽可能多的人参与进来。而滑板做为滑板人的共同语言,他们团队的人更是离开了德国,把这一正能量带到了法国、西班牙、荷兰、瑞士、中国、泰国、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、加拿大还有美国,他们与当地滑手们一起交流、滑板。


​- About Droshky Skateboards -

Droshky Skateboards is a tight knit skateboard company based out of Germany. While other companies market their image based off the death defying tricks their riders thrown down double sets or the most stylish technical ledge tricks, Droshky tends to focus more on the good times that happen as a result of skateboarding. They aren’t just a skateboard company, they’re a skateboard family and their main goal is to get as many people into the movement as possible. With skateboarding as a common language, their team has left Germany and brought the positive energy to France, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines, Canada and US, meeting and skating with the locals there.


Post By: Guotie @ 二 17, 2016
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