FLY Family Dysfunction ’16: Oakland

奥克兰市位于加利福尼亚州北部,坐落在海湾地区的东湾,距三藩市仅15分钟的车程。在1906年的时候,三藩市发生过一场大地震,许多居民从三藩市穿过大桥,搬到奥克兰。在美国,奥克兰作为一个充满毒品、犯罪和卖淫的危险城市也算是臭名昭著,在20世纪80年代的时候,可卡因在奥克兰盛行,黑人的人口增长近百分之五十,并给这个城市带来更多的犯罪。多年来,奥克兰被认为是美国最暴力的城市之一,也是一年中谋杀案最多的一个城市。然而,在20世纪90年代,奥克兰的经济已经缓慢恢复并过渡到一个更稳定的社区。虽然所有的暴力让奥克兰蒙羞了,但是那里依旧是一个充满活力的城市。这个城市充斥着不同的人种和不同的文化,但是大家都和谐共存。如果有人第一次来到奥克兰,他们可能会被涂鸦者、瘾君子们等恐吓,融入不进当地人的生活方式,但这本身就是奥克兰的文化在这世界上如此独特的确切原因。如果你在奥克兰只有24个小时的话,那就不足以看到一切。为了让大家能够有所了解这个城市,FLY Streetwear来到了奥克兰拍摄了一组lookbook,希望让大家能看到一些这个城市真正的文化和生活环境。

The city of Oakland is in the northern part of California, situated in the east bay of the Bay area, and only a 15 minute drive from San Francisco. In 1906, San Francisco had a major earthquake, and many residents from San Francisco crossed the bridge and moved to Oakland. In America, Oakland has a bit of a notorious reputation for being a dangerous city full of drugs, crime and prostitution. In the 1980’s the crack cocaine epidemic hit Oakland, rose the population of blacks to almost 50 percent, and introduced a lot of violent crime to the area. For many years, Oakland was regarded as one of the most violent cities in America, and also the city with the most murders per year. However, during the 1990’s Oakland’s economy slowly recovered and transitioned into a more stable community. Despite all the violence that overshadows the city of Oakland, there is still a vibrant culture that radiates all throughout the city. The city is a melting pool of races and different cultures, yet they all coexist together in harmony. If someone came to Oakland for the first time, they may be intimidated by the graffiti, crack heads, and knitty gritty get by lifestyle of the locals. But that in itself is the exact reason why Oakland’s culture is so unique to the world. If you had 24 hours in Oakland..that just wouldn’t be enough to see everything. But for a quick glimpse into the city life, FLY Streetwear shot a lookbook in Oakland to give you perspective on the culture, and community in Oakland.

文:Edan Q


这一天从奥克兰的杰克伦敦广场的一些食物开始,杰克伦敦是一位美国有名的作家, 学校里的孩子们基本都读过他的书,然而我却从来没有看过(笑)。奥克兰的这一块区域比较靠近水源,据说这里是100多年前杰克伦敦生活的地方,这里同样有 着全美最好的餐厅。传说中的Home of 炸鸡和华夫就在这里,炸鸡与华夫饼的简单组合,这可是美国黑人传统食品中的主要食物,来到奥克兰不尝一下就像去北京没上过长城一般。这里以前是非常贫困的 贫民区,时常有疯子在这里徘徊,但是后来慢慢地在改变,你会看到很多幸福的白人家庭婴儿车里推着他们的孩子。

The day starts in Oakland with some food at Jack London square. Jack London was this American author who wrote many incredible novels that kids at school had to read but I never did. This part of Oakland is close to the water and supposedly was where Jack London lived when he was alive 100 plus years ago. This is also where the best diner is in all of America. The legendary Home of Chicken n Waffles, a simple combination of fried chicken and buttered up waffles, yet a staple in the african american soul food menu and a must try when you’re in Oakland. This area used to be super ghetto, and there’s always crackheads lingering around like day zombies, but is slowly getting gentrified so you’ll see a lot of happy white families taking their babies out in strollers.







Basically while we were taking pictures at this spot, some dude was high off drugs and was passed out on the floor. I asked the waiters if he was alive or dead and they responded calmly, “I don’t know”. My friends and I looked around and saw that everyone kept eating, not really paying attention to the dude passed out on the diner floor. Five minutes later, the dude was sprawled out in the most awkward way and his face was smashed into the floor. I guess someone finally couldn’t take it anymore and called the police, cause after our food came, the Oakland Fire Department came into the diner, and started performing CPR on the guy, with no response. We all definitely thought the dude died. Finally they ended up shocking him a couple times and he was sprung to his feet yelling and eyes wide open. We went back to eating these delicious ass waffles and lickin chicken grease from our fingers. Another day in Oakland…










后来,我带朋友去到奥克兰西部的Town park滑板场,最近Levi’改造了这里并且拍摄了纪录片,和他们的lookbook。在我高中的时候这还是个破旧的DIY滑板公园,我几乎天天在那里滑板,所以就会感觉到十分亲切。当我到那里的时候,我见到了所有以前和我一起滑板的好朋友,我也意识到他们现在跟我小时候的记忆完全不一样了,他们留着胡子,个子都比我高, Sh*t,我高中的时候,他们还都是问我要滑板、球鞋甚至是鞋带的小混混啊。其中一个我在8年前认识的Tamba,不论多高的台子他都能acid drop(抓板直接跳) 他以前会爬到公共汽车上并用acid drop下,他acid drop跳下了town park 最高的墙还出现在了Thrasher的视频中。 我很高兴能再次见到这些家伙。

Afterwards, I took the homies to Town park in West Oakland, which Levi’s recently renovated and shot their own look book at. I used to skate there all the time in high school when it was a run down DIY skatepark, so it was like revisiting home. When I got there, I met all the homies I used to skate with, and realized that they were MEN now, they had facial hair, was taller than me, and had more balls. Shit, when I was in high school, these dudes were still little hoodrats asking me for my board, sneakers and even shoelaces. This one dude Tamba that I met 8 years ago, just acid dropped off of everything. He used to run all the way up onto the public buses and acid drop off of them. I think he was in a thrasher vid where he acid dropped off the tallest wall at the park. But they’re the locals and have been there since day one.































East Oakland is the most impoverished and dangerous part of Oakland, but West Oakland, where the skatepark is, is a close second. It happens to also be where a lot of dope graffiti is. The graffiti scene is huge in Oakland, and there are a bunch of crews that tag up the abandoned warehouses out here. Although it’s illegal in America, I think the city turns a blind eye cause some of the art there actually makes the area look…”nicer”.









Downtown Oakland is so dope! It’s where Chinatown is, and the only area where you’ll find hood ass black dudes eating chow mein with old cantonese grandmas. It’s also getting much nicer around these parts, and is where all the hipsters like to go out and drink. But in the middle of downtown is the infamous Oakland Fox Theater, whose architecture really stands out from the rest of the buildings. There’s a lot of bands that come by and play here, and also a few plays and comedy acts. This is definitely a place to be whenever there’s a show here.










总的来说在加州比较惊人的一件事就是这里到处都是墨西哥卷饼车,因为加州非常的靠近墨西哥,很多墨西哥人会偷渡过来,来开他们自己的餐厅,或者是 开上一辆墨西哥卷饼车。我们只要花1.5刀就能吃到非常美味的墨西哥卷饼,我想我能吃上10个。我带我朋友去的地方是在国际大道,这的贩毒者和妓女而在奥克兰臭名昭著。奥克兰的卷饼车里没准就是一个标准的毒贩,如果你要了额外的香辣卷饼,你将会得到一包Crack(可卡因的一种形式)。现在大多已经不存在这样的卷饼车,但是我确定在东奥克兰依旧有很多,甚至有一些连警察都不敢在晚上去的地方。

One amazing thing about California in general, are the vast amounts of taco trucks everywhere. Since California is so close to mexico, a lot of mexicans sneak over and start their own restaurants or have taco trucks in the most ghetto areas. But for only 1.50 you can eat an amazing authentic Mexican taco. I think my record was 10. The place I took my friend to was on International boulevard, which is a notorious street for drug dealers and prostitutes that runs through Oakland. There have also been taco trucks in Oakland that were busted for selling drugs out of the truck. If you asked for a “extra spicy” burrito, you would get a bag of crack. Most of them got busted by the police but I’m sure there’s a bunch that are still around in East Oakland, where even cops are afraid to go to at night.




奥克兰的城市景观可能会导致你相信这就是它的全部,但是去到奥克兰最美的公墓Mountain View Cemetery,你就会发现东湾和旧金山是有多美了。这个公墓离我以前住的地方只有3分钟的路程,在高中的时候,我们一直会偷偷溜出来到这里喝上几桶啤酒,很多Stoner风格的音乐还会留在他们的设备中。 有很多名人也埋在了这个公墓里,湾区著名的说唱歌手Mac Dre就埋在这里。如果你不认识他的话,可以了解一下。他在驾驶过程被人枪杀,当时他才34岁。现在,他所有的粉丝都会去他的墓碑前留下一些卷烟、大麻来纪念他。我相信这是大家在以一种以奥克兰的方式在表示对他的尊敬。

The urban landscape of Oakland might lead to you believe that’s all there is. But travel to the top of the most beautiful cemetery in Oakland, the mountain view cemetery, and you will find an amazing view of the East bay, and also San Francisco. This cemetery was only about 3 minutes from where I used to live. During high school, we would always sneak up here and drink kegs of beer. The stoners would be left to their own devices. With a view like that, how could you not? There’s also a lot of famous people buried in this cemetery, and also the famous Bay Area rapper Mac Dre. If you don’t know him, look him up. He got shot and killed in a drive by when he was only 34. Now, all his fans go to his tombstone and leave a bunch of blunt wraps, weed, and forties on his grave. I believe this is the Oakland way of showing respect…




jordan back










Photos by: Neal Handloser




Post By: wolfhowl @ 一 28, 2016
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