Skatehere专访滑板摄影师Patrik Wallner:10个问题

滑板摄影师 Patrick Wallner 于今年11月作为Converse的特邀摄影师而再度造访中国,随队前往北京,深圳,上海,西宁,大理等诸多城市.在这之前Patrik经常来去很多个国家, 为了拍摄滑板视频而游走于世界各地 。

他这次前来中国除了跟Converse中国滑板队进行了拍摄合作,另外还与以及为Organika滑手Walker Ryan以及外号“旅行者”的Kenny Reed等滑手在国内各大城市进行拍摄任务。

在北京的日本滑手Lui对其很感兴趣并且对Patrik 进行了10个问题的采访,让我们通过采访来了解下这位游走于世界的优秀摄影师吧.

Skate filmmaker Patrik Wallner recently spent time here in China in-between his travels, getting footage in some of the world’s least-likely spots. He’s recently been filming with everyone from the Converse China team, to Organika rider Walker Ryan, to fellow skate traveler Kenny Reed, and more.  We asked him what it’s like to travel the world and film with some of the sickest skaters.

Patirk Walner

1. Whatsup Patrik! So where you at these days and what are you working on?

Lui, I am back in Thailand right now, filming everyday with the Thai/Swiss guys for the upcoming Preduce Video. I got hired to film for the third Preduce video, which should be out in a year with great parts from skaters like Geng Jakkarin, Lert Saeri, Tao Kitpullap and more.

1。Whatsup Patrik! 你最近哪里, 在忙什么?

Hi,我现在在泰国每天跟泰国/瑞士滑手们拍最新的Preduce video。他们让我拍Preduce第三个video,应该一年以后出来的。有特不错的Preduce滑手 Geng Jakkarin, Lert Saeri, Tao Kitpullap , 还有很多个其他的。

2. What are some of the more familiar videos and skaters you’ve filmed with?

It’s pretty random since I have roots in Europe and the US, I end up filming with various people from those parts of the world. I’ve contributed to video projects for Cliché, Adidas, Element, etc. I do a lot of independent work, it gives me a way to be flexible with the riders, locations and time.

P:特别随意的,因为我都住过在美国,欧洲,我每次跟这些地方的滑手一起拍的。我跟Cliche,Adidas,Element合作过。另一半时间做我独立的 video,这样有更多时间,地方,以及与滑手的自由生活在一起。

3. We all know the spots in China are amazing. What’s your impression of the local skate scene in China?
I love it! Even though the skate scene could be a lot bigger considering the size of China, it is doing really well. China has talented skateboarders from all regions, I am super stoked on the Chinese Converse team as well as the J. Tang’s from Hong Kong and Canada. I feel like the Chinese scene is finally getting to the point where they can hold up to the Americans or Europeans. I am really curious to see the upcoming Society, Shox, Vagabond videos!
P:特别喜欢!中国这么大的国家可以让我们作更多的拍摄计划,还是挺不错的。这里有很多有才能的滑手来自很多个区域。最近我觉得中国Converse队,还有两个 J-Tang 特牛。中国滑板越来越发展,跟欧美快差不多。我真的很憧憬即将新出来的Society, Shox, Vagabond videos!

4. Where are some of the best spots in the world for you to skate and visit?

New York City definitely has some of the best spots, I really enjoy filming in the urban areas within the five boroughs Its hard to say where the best spot is located, there’s the waves in Shenzhen, and any ex-socialist countries like Russia & the eastern bloc, you will find tons of marble.

街区拍。在世界范围上就太难说,有深圳的‘浪spot’(邓小平),并且那里还有很多个大理石 spots。

5. What was it like filming for the Converse China skate video?

It was great, I really enjoyed the crew and the locations we traveled to while filming for the documentary. Xu Ying, Kent Qu, Thrasher and Blackie really did an amazing job trying to get as much footage as possible. Visiting Xining was probably my favorite part of the trip, we found some really unique spots. Too bad Thrasher got taken down by the ‘over chain into bank’ spot, he was so motivated to rip on this trip.

P:很好玩的旅行,这次拍摄纪录片我们去的地点,还有随行的人员都很有趣的。许莹Xu Ying, 坑渠Kent Qu,  付令超Thrasher 还有黑柴Blackie他们每天都很努力。西宁是我最喜欢的城市,找到很多特别的spots。可怜Thrasher在那个过铁链落斜坡的地点 ‘over chain into bank’ spot受伤,在这次出行中我感觉他的进取心超强(motivated)。

6. In your opinion, where are the finest ladies in the world?

Tough one to answer. Scandinavia, Russia and Ukraine has the stereotypical beautiful girls that everyone tends to fall in love with. But recently going to Myanmar, and having been to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, I really think the finest ladies are located around South East Asia in my eyes.

P:难说。斯堪地纳维亚,俄罗斯,乌克兰 都有那种每个人喜欢的类型 。最近我去了很多东南方国家 ,在我个人来说的话这些东南亚的国家才拥有最美的女孩。

7. What camera do you use for your footage, and what about the software for your editing?
I still use a Sony VX2100 with a Mark I fisheye to film skateboarding, because it just still looks right to me, being really close to the skater and having that really wide fisheye which just makes the skating look faster and the gaps bigger is an essential tool for me. For editing, Adobe programs such as Premiere and After Effects do the magic.


P:拍滑板的话我还在用Sony VX2100跟Mark I fisheye。还是看起来最好看的,跟滑手特别近然后特别宽的 fisheye让动作看起来更快,使滑板地点Gap,台阶等显得更大。这是很重要的功能。编辑视频时候用Adobe的Premiere 和 After Effects 软件。

8. What’s the inspiration behind the filming, editing, and music choice of your videos?
The Cliché video “Bon Appetit” was one of my inspirations when I started filming. The use of Super 8 film as well as the different ways of editing from French Fred was the starting base for me to develop my style of putting skate videos together.

8.当你每次编辑时,视频与音乐等等 的那些灵感 都是从哪里来的?
P:开始的时候,法国滑板公司Cliche的videoBon Appetit是我第一的灵感。 用Super 8 film,在我刚开始的时候受到最大的影响是来自法国摄影摄French Fred的编辑手法。

9. In your skate documentary ’10000 kilometers’ you made a video of skaters traveling from Moscow to Hong Kong by train. Based on this kind of travel experience, what’s your best skate travel advice?
One lesson we learned and a travel advise from that trip is that cab drivers in Russia, Siberia and Mongolia are sketchy If they charge you more than it should cost, just pay it! Otherwise you might find yourself running from a crazy taxi driver with a crowbar in his hands trying to either kill you or rob you at five o’clock in the morning.

9。在你拍的滑板纪录片’10000 kilometers’你们做火车从莫斯科到香港一直滑,拍。从这样的经验,有什么最好的旅行经验和建议吗?

10. Any shout-outs to China or elsewhere?
Everyone who helped me out in China, especially Eric Lai. he hooked me up with so much since I first came to China around four years ago. Thanks Eric, you are the best! I’ll see you in New York.
P:感谢帮我的每一个人,特别是Eric Lai(赖科 Aka-波仔)。我4年前第一次来中国时候他一直帮我很多。谢谢Eric你牛比!在纽约见。

Check out Patrik’s website www.visualtraveling.com for tons of sick footage and photos. His skate documentary ’10000 kilometers’ can also be purchased from the site. Peace!
看Patrik的网站www.visualtraveling.com 有很多视频,照片。在这网站也能买他的滑板纪录片’10000 kilometers’。Peace!


Post By: Vince @ 十二 10, 2010
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