Behind The Scene:幕后采访:杭州红牛滑板赛 第五部分–李祉兴

Xiao Xing




Skatehere: 你比之前状态这?比之前那一天有什么专门的准备吗

Xiao Xing: 我对这次比赛期待很多,压力也很大哈哈~因为主办方是 红牛 我也是红牛的第一个滑板签约滑手 所以我要在这次比赛上好好发挥我的特长~准备也很多哈哈 例如比赛前可能要早点休息 因为这次是个体力赛哈哈哈

Skatehere: 我看到比之前一直在line,  (smith grind, tre flip gap, blunt to fakie, switch ollie to switch crooks)那个line里面哪个作是你得最不定的呢?

Xiao Xing: 比赛的line里面 我个人感觉不是很稳定的动作就是switch ollie 其实动作不是很难但是因为场地形状在这个动作上有点难度,因为blunt to fakie落得要很标准才可以走到哪个起点去做switch ollie


Skatehere: 年比format滑手公平什么?

Xiao Xing: 比赛的模式 整体来说是有一点点不一样的就是每个人要去比赛六次 在这么大的太阳下要去比六次是很辛苦的~去年虽然是六轮但是是比两天 今年要一天比完 真的蛮累的 回到酒店我人快变植物人了 全身抽筋那动那抽 包括脖子也会抽筋fuck 这个我不想去说了 大家去体会吧哈哈哈哈哈

Skatehere: 到的有什么划呢?

Xiao Xing: 我赢到的奖金 我首先会存下一部分,剩下的 我会利用它去我想去的城市滑板 chill  找朋友玩什么的哈哈哈

Skatehere: 你正在拍video part

Xiao Xing: 我在准备拍摄一部cons匡威的一部滑板纪录片有文艺的也有滑板的️:接下来我也要准备拍摄一部 沸点的个人滑板片段 暂时就这些了


English Interview / 英文


Skatehere: How were you feeling before the contest? Did you specially prepare the day before the contest?

Xiao Xing: I was looking forward to this contest for a while, I had a lot of pressure on me haha cause the sponsors were Red Bull and I was the first skater they signed onto the team, this time around for the contest I wanted to make sure to skate well. Definitely prepared a lot for the contest haha. For example, before the contest I had to make sure I was well rested cause this time the contest became a contest of endurance hahaha.

Skatehere: I saw during the contest you kept trying the line, (smith grind, tre flip gap, blunt to fakie, switch ollie to switch crooks), which trick in that line was the hardest one to get down every time?

Xiao Xing: In that line, I felt like the one trick that was hardest to get down each time was my switch ollie over the gap. The trick itself isn’t that hard, but it’s cause the whole set up was difficult, the blunt to fakie I landed before on the quarterpipe had to be on point to make sure the switch ollie could go well.


Skatehere: Did you think this year’s contest format was fair to the skaters?

Xiao Xing: Well, overall, the set up of the contest was a bit different because each skater had to compete about 6 times. Under the hot sun, busting out six competitive runs is not easy. Last year, although we had six runs, we split it up between two days. This year, we had one day to bust all six runs out which was tiring on all the skaters. When I got back to the hotel I almost became a vegetable. My whole body was cramping up, any body part I moved would instantly cramp, even my neck…fuck. I won’t complain about it any more, but everyone should definitely give it a try for yourself hahahaha

Skatehere: What do you plan on doing with the money you won?

Xiao Xing: For the money I won, I’m going to save a part of it, and what ever is left over, I’m going to travel to the cities I want to go skate, hit up homies to chill and kick it hahaha

Skatehere: Are you currently filming for a video part?

Xiao Xing: Yeah, I’m preparing to film a small skateboarding documentary about art and skateboarding. After that, I’m preparing to film for my own video part for Fei Dian, just these two projects for now…


Interview by: Edan Q.

Translation by: Andy and Edan Q.

Post By: Skate Rat @ 八 18, 2015
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