Individuals: Street Cred 比赛冠亚季军采访


G-Shock比赛一结束,名次也都出来之后,我们为Skatehere采访了王玓,Ed Chang, 还有小虎几个问题,这边是一些他们在比赛上想要说的,滑板,音乐,女孩,还有最喜欢的滑板视频,一起来看一下。

Once the G-Shock contest settled down and the winners were revealed, we interviewed Wang Di, Ed Chang and Tiger with some questions for Skatehere. Here’s what they have to say on the contest, skateboarding, music and favorite skate videos. Check it out below:


王玓采访 (第三名) 


Skatehere: Yo dawg, 先介绍一下自己:名字,年龄,家乡,滑板滑了多长时间,哪些公司赞助商?

王玓:Yo wassup 我是王玓,今年20岁,来自山东济南,滑板已经快八年了,赞助商有:Justice板面,NikeSB鞋子,Sparkle滑板支架,Bones滑板轮子和轴承,ThePlace滑板公园,Fly Streetwear服饰。

Skatehere: 你看过最有影响力的滑板片或者视频是那个?对你影响力最大的滑手呢?为什么?

王玓:《Shane Goes》Shane O’Neill 他做动作的轻松和精准一直是我在练习时的标杆,他各种轻松的Flip动作也一直是所有滑手梦寐以求想要达到的。


《《 Shane Goes滑板视频》》

Skatehere: 你比赛那一天早上吃了什么?平常有什么准备滑板的习惯吗?

王玓: 哈哈哈 就是一个煎饼果子和一杯豆浆!平时滑板之前也没有什么特别准备,反正就是滑板的时候认真滑就对了!

Skatehere: 你感觉这年G-Shock的场地这么样?哪个是你最喜欢的道具?那个是你最不喜欢的?

王玓: 今年G-Shock非常棒!天气也比去年舒服很多,最喜欢的道具当然是抛台接三格楼梯,比赛中360 flip一直成功!也没有说有我不喜欢的道具,总体来说都不错!

Skatehere: 在比赛中,你注意到哪些新滑手滑得比较牛B?

王玓: 给我印象最深的应该是云南的两个朋友,比赛中小杰做了Over crook和Tail Blunt,何绍吉做了Bigspin heelflip!这样牛逼的动作给我了更多的比赛中的压力!

Skatehere: G-Shock比赛有那么多漂亮的姑娘,你赢得第三名你是怎样不受到这些姑娘的影响?


Skatehere: 我看你这场比赛中过四台阶时,一直在尝试double tre-flip,你之前成过吗?

王玓: Damn 这个不得不说,我平时在The Place滑板场的抛台三次左右就可以成功,平地和金字塔也都没有问题。但是在比赛中我也不知道具体是什么原因我没有成功这个动作,也可能是起跳时木板的弹性或者助跑短让我短时间内没有适应。

Skatehere: 你觉得你赢的G-Shock手表会这么帮助你的生活方式?

王玓: 比赛结束我就一直带着它了!它帮我更清楚现在的时间,让我更准时的去做所有的事情。

Skatehere: 如果你可以选任何专业滑手进行一场Game of Skate,你会选谁?

王玓: 国内的话肯定是Johnny Tang 他基本上会做所有的动作,想赢他的话一定要有超好的基本功和成功率还有心理素质!国外的话像Mike Mo、P-Rod、O neill这种正反脚无区分的大神都可以,很想看他们如何把成功率练到这么高!

Skatehere: Eric Koston的死穴是Hardflip, 我的是ollie, 哪个滑板动作是你的死穴?

王玓: Oh shit! 那可能就是正脚的Frontside360或者Frontside Bigspin,还有其他动作你们猜吧!


The Wang Di Interview (3rd Place) English

Skatehere: First, introduce yourself, your name, where you’re from, your age, how long you’ve been skating and your sponsors.

Wang Di: Yo Wassup, My name is Wang Di, I’m 20 years old, from Ji Nan in Shan Dong Province. I’ve skated for about 8 years, and my sponsors are Justice skateboards, Nike SB, Sparkle Trucks, Bones Wheels and Bearings, The Place Skatepark and FLY Streetwear.

Skatehere:  What’s the most influential video and skater to you and why?

Wang Di:《Shane Goes》Shane O’Neill. The way he does tricks so effortlessly and precise have been my benchmark when learning tricks. I would say that any flip trick he busts out is every skater’s goal to achieve.

Skatehere: What’d you eat for breakfast the day of the G-Shock competition? Do you usually have any pre-contest habits or rituals?

Wang Di: Haha, all I had was a Jian Bing, some fruit and a cup of soymilk. I don’t really have any habits that I do before I skate for fun or a contest, I think just focusing while you skate is the best way to do it.

Skatehere: What did you think of this year’s G-Shock contest? Which obstacle was your favorite and which one were you feeling the least?

Wang Di: This year’s G-shock contest was sick! The weather was also much better than last years. My favorite obstacle was the bank to three stair gap, my tre-flips down it were on that day. There wasn’t an obstacle I didn’t like, I would say they were all pretty good.

Skatehere: Which skaters caught your attention while skating at the contest that day?

Wang Di: The skaters I remembered the most were two guys from Yunnan, during the contest Xiao Jie did an overcrook and a tailblunt, and He Shao Jie landed a Bigspin Heelflip! These two moves gave me way more pressure during the contest!

Skatehere: There were so many babes at the contest, how did you not let their beauty distract you from winning 3rd place at the contest?

Wang Di: Haha who the hell came up with this question? Too awesome. Yeah I definitely remember some babes, had there not been so many babes at the contest I probably would have skated better haha. Just kidding. With so many people watching you during the contest, it gets nerve-wracking and sometimes you don’t skate the best. But the thing that influences me the most during a contest is just my mentality.

Skatehere: I saw during the contest you kept trying the double tre-flip down the bank to 3 stair gap, have you landed that trick before?

Wang Di: Damn I gotta say, usually at The Place Skatepark I can land it off a kicker ramp in about three tries, and most of the time on flat ground and a pyramid. But at the contest I had no idea why it wasn’t working. I think it may because I wasn’t used to the short run up and the flexible skate lite material during the contest.




Skatehere: How will the new G-Shock watch you won help your life now??

Wang Di: I’ve been wearing it ever since the contest ended. It’ll help me keep track of time and help me get things done on time.

Skatehere: If you could choose any professional skater to play in a game of skate, who would you choose?

Wang Di: In China I’d choose Johnny Tang for sure. He can do almost any trick you can imagine, if you want to beat him you need to have all the basics downs, consistency on point and a level-headed mental attitude. As for the pros in America, I’d choose Mike Mo, P-Rod, Shane O’Neill, the pros that doesn’t have a difference between switch and regular. I just want to watch them skate and see how they have learned to be consistent with both switch and regular tricks.


长耀中采访 (2nd Place) 中文版


Skatehere: 首先,来介绍一下你自己,你叫什么(英文名和中文名)?来自哪里?年龄多大?滑板多久了还有你的赞助商是谁?

长耀中: 我叫Edward Chang但是大部分的人都叫我Chang 或Ed(長耀中)。我出生在台湾但是我从小在美国长大。我今年29了,滑板15年,现在为Fly streetwear滑。

Skatehere: 你觉的对你影响最大的两个滑板视频分别是什么?为什么?

长耀中: 我最喜欢的视频部分一直都是来自我朋友还有我成长过程中一起滑板的那些人。主要是因为我能看到他们的进步,我也能见证他们在视频里面成的那些招。(youtube, james atkin ohh la la, james atkin lost tapes, mall grab bitch, nostalgia)


 《《长耀中的朋友 James Atkin 滑板视频 “Oh La La”》》

Skatehere: 你在G-Shock比赛的那天感觉如何?你那天有没有什么特别的比赛路线呢?

长耀中: 像绝大多数的滑板比赛一样我绝对是沉浸于其中的。其实我就是想滑板,因为我已经有一段日子没滑了,恰巧那天的天气又太好了。

Skatehere: 有人和我提到说你是跟Lizard King一起滑板长大的,那么你是怎么跟他认识的?还有他的滑板风格有没有影响到你?

长耀中: 我跟Lizard King不是太好,我是跟James Atkin一起滑板长大的。那时我还有James和Lizard正好在为同一家公司滑板,所以我会时不时地看到他,James和Lizard才是真正的好朋友。James和其他所有跟我一起滑板长大的人一样都确实对我有所影响。

Skatehere: G-Shock活动那天有谁可以让你说出“Damn he’s good!”

长耀中: 一些我比较喜欢的滑手像Jeremy, didi, 还有 boss。因为我很喜欢他们在上海的滑板故事。


长耀中: 我也参加过一些比赛,但是并没有真正地拿过名次。Avenue and Sons举办过一个一条line的比赛,他们也让我看到了成果。

Skatehere: 你目前正在拍摄一部视频吗?

长耀中: 我绝对是想拍一部视频的,我以前从没有过自己的视频片段。我一直都是在friends sections里,有些片段也被剪辑进别人的视频里去了。

Skatehere: 似乎很多的滑手在他们比赛的时候都很严肃、很专注,但是你却在跳舞,摇摆着你的太阳眼镜笑着滑完全程,你对滑板的观点是什么呢?

长耀中: 我觉得滑板就是帮助减少压力的。所以如果你太认真了,过于专注的话那你就违背了滑板的最主要的目的了。滑板就是跟好兄弟们一起听听音乐,搞点啤酒喝喝,只要放松就好。滑板就像是在逃离那些在生活中羁绊你的东西。我笑是因为我真的在滑板而开心。




长耀中: 我当然会说我最喜欢的当地滑手就是和小白一起滑板,他会做一些疯狂的frontside flips。我没有很多当地的朋友,我大多数的哥们都不滑板,跟我一起滑板的又不够哥们。但我还是想说跟小白一起滑板绝对是最有趣的,当然我也不会忘了Johnny Tang。光光是看他滑板你就很想把滑板练好。


长耀中: 从带上手表的那一刻起,我感觉我能做任何事,成任何招,泡任何妞。谢谢G-Shock给我的不仅仅是一块手表,而是一个新的自我.

Translated by Andy


Ed Chang Interview (2nd Place) English Version

Skatehere: First, introduce yourself, your name (English and Chinese), where you are from, your age, how long you’ve been skating and your sponsors.

Chang: My name is Edward Chang but most people call me Chang or Ed (长耀中) I was born in Taiwan but I grew up in the States. I’m 29 and I’ve been skating for 15 years. I ride for Fly streetwear

Skatehere: What are two of your most influential skate videos ever? And why?

Chang: I feel like my favorite video parts have always been ones of my friends and the ones I grew up skating with. Mainly because I was there throughout their progression and I was there when they landed their trick for their video part. (youtube, james atkin ohh la la, james atkin lost tapes, mall grab bitch, nostalgia)

Skatehere: How were you feeling the day of the G-Shock event, did you have any specific contest routines you carried out that day?

Chang: I was definitely hung over like most skate events. I actually just wanted to skate because I hadn’t skated for a while. And the weather just so happened to be perfect that day.

Skatehere: Someone mentioned to me that you grew up skating with Lizard King, how did you guys meet and did his style of skating influence yours at all?

Chang: I wasn’t too good of friends with Lizard King. I grew up skating with James Atkin and James and Lizard rode for the same company at one time so I would see him from time to time. James and Lizard were really good friends. James definitely influenced me as a skater as well as all the people I grew up skateboarding with.

Skatehere: Who was one skater at the G-Shock event that made you say, “Damn he’s good!”

Chang: Edan “Damn he’s good looking” jk.  Some of my favorite skaters are Jeremy, didi, and boss. Just because I love their skate story here in Shanghai.

Skatehere: Have you joined any contests before? How did you do in them?

Chang: I have joined a couple but I haven’t really placed in any of them. Avenue and Sons held a line contest and they hooked me up with some product.


Skatehere: Are you currently filming for a video part in the future?

Chang: I definitely want to film for a video part. I’ve never had my own part before. I’ve always been in friends sections and had some clips thrown into someone else’s part.

Skatehere: It seemed like many of the skaters at the contest were very serious and focused during their contest run, but you were dancing, rocking sunglasses and smiling the whole run. What’s skating in your perspective?

Chang: I feel like skating is something that helps reduce stress. So if you’re serious and too focused then that defeats one of it’s main purposes. Skateboarding is all about jamming out to music having a couple of beers with your homies and just letting loose.  It’s like an escape from all the other stuff that’s going on in your life. I was smiling because I was genuinely having fun skateboarding.


Skatehere: Which guys in China do you enjoy skating with the most and why?

Chang: I definitely would have to say my favorite local skater to skate with is Xiao Bai. He’s got some mad frontside flips. I don’t have many local friends (ge mer) that skate. Most of my “brothers don’t skate and most of the people I skate with aren’t my “brothers”. But I would have to say Xiao Bai is definitely the most fun to skate with. I’m also not going to leave out Johnny Tang. Just watching him skate makes you want to progress in skateboarding.

Skatehere: How will your new G-Shock watch change your life now?

Chang: From the moment I put on that watch I felt an instant transformation like I could do anything, do any trick, and do any girl I wanted. Thanks G shock for giving me not just a watch, but a new me.


小虎采访 (1st Place) 中文版


Skatehere: Yo dawg, 先介绍一下自己:名字,年龄,家乡,滑板滑了多长时间,哪些公司赞助商?

小虎: 我叫孙朔(小虎)今年16岁 来自沈阳 滑板4年半了 赞助商有 The place滑板公园 沸点Black Knight 板面 G-FORM护具 Braos眼镜  peer支架

Skatehere: 你看过最有影响力的滑板片或者视频是那个?对你影响力最大的滑手呢?为什么?

小虎: ANTIHERO团队视频 对我影响都很大 他们是真的燥真的凶狠!

《《 Anti-Hero 团队Israel Tour滑板视频 》》


Skatehere: 你比赛之前那一晚上早睡觉还是party?

小虎: 想早睡可是紧张到凌晨3点才睡着哈哈哈~

Skatehere: 你感觉这年Gshock的场地这么样?哪个是你最喜欢的道具?那个是你最不喜欢的?

小虎: 特别喜欢道具这样的结合 难度大 对滑手的基本功要求很高 都很喜欢设计很完美

Skatehere: 你最喜欢的一些乐队是谁?

小虎: 喜欢乐队太多了 我平时滑板会听 Death Metal 像Amon Amarth 这样有力量的歌曲 平时听Black Metal 最喜欢的必须是男神瓦哥!Burzum! 黑死不分家哈哈哈

Skatehere: 你离开家乡为什么选到来上海,是为了滑板吗?

小虎: 是的上海滑板气氛好!场地又好!

Skatehere: 你对学校和教育有什么样的看法?

小虎: 惨遭应试教育虐待的我只想说:Fuck school hahahah!





Skatehere: 最近在拍视频吗?什么时候会出来?

小虎: 有的已经积攒了一些素材 会尽快发布的 请大家期待~

Skatehere: 你赢G-Shock的AM比赛有什么当时惊讶吗?晚上是这么庆祝的?

小虎: 特别惊讶哈哈哈没想到在有全国各地那么多高手的情况下自己会赢 晚上在 The place 滑板公园跟朋友小喝了一下^_^

Skatehere: 你觉得你赢的G-Shock手表会这么帮助你的生活方式?

小虎: 以后不用掏手机看时间啦 我好懒的吼吼吼~

Skatehere: 你将来在上海有什么计划和期望?

小虎: 希望自己能留在上海 定居生活 多跟大家学习交流太喜欢上海啦


Photo Courtesy of: Wang Chen Wei

Tiger Interview (1st Place) English Version

Skatehere: First, introduce yourself, your name, where you’re from, your age, how long you’ve been skating and your sponsors.

Tiger: My name is Sun Shuo, or Tiger, and I’m 16 years old this year. I’m from Shen Yang, I’ve been skating for four and a half years, and my sponsors are The Place Skatepark, Black Knight Skateboards, G-Form Pads, Braos Eyewear, and Peer Trucks.

Skatehere: What’s the most influential video and skater to you and why?

Tiger: Any video that the Anti-Hero team puts out. They’re all super gnarly!

Skatehere: Did you party the night before the contest or did you get some early rest?

Tiger: I wanted to sleep early but I was nervous and excited for the following day that I couldn’t sleep until 3 AM haha

Skatehere: What did you think of this year’s G-Shock event? Which obstacle was your favorite to skate and which one were you feeling the least?

Tiger: I really liked all the obstacles of the course, they were designed pretty well, really challenging and pushed most skater’s skills to the next level.

Skatehere: What are some bands that you have been into recently?

Tiger:  I’ve been into too many bands recently. When I skate I usually listen to Death Metal bands, like Amon Amarth. To get pumped up I usually listen to Black Metal, but the band I like the most is definitely Burzum! Black death one family.






Skatehere: Did you leave your hometown in Shen Yang to live in Shanghai for skateboarding?

Tiger: Yup, Shanghai has an awesome skate scene, and the spots are amazing!

Skatehere: What’s your take on going to school and education?

Tiger: In China, the goal of education is just to take tests. I don’t believe in that kind of education so I say, Fuck school!

Skatehere: Have you been filming a lot recently? You planning on dropping a part soon?

Tiger: Yup, I’ve been collecting some footy here and there, and will release it soon. You guys will just have to wait and see.

Skatehere: Were you surprised to win the G-Shock AM contest? How’d you celebrate that night?

Tiger: I was super surprised haha I never thought I would win a big contest with some of the best AM skaters from all over the country. At night I just celebrated at The Place with some friends and beer

Skatehere: How will this new G-Shock watch change your life?

Tiger: From now on I won’t even need to pull out my phone to check the time. I’m so lazy haha

Skatehere: What’s your plan in Shanghai for the future?

Tiger: I wish to stay in Shanghai, have a stable lifestyle, talk to more college students and learn how to communicate better. I like Shanghai way too much!


Photo Courtesy of: Wang Chen Wei


Congrats to the rippers. 恭喜你们!

Interview and Photos: Edan Q.


Post By: QIan, Edan @ 七 23, 2015
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