FLY 2015 春夏系列新品Lookbook发表
FLY Streetwear的服饰产品线最新发布了2015年春夏系列新品Lookbook,此季新品以轻松诙谐为设计主旨,加入酒标,醉蝇等图案,细节处处体现品牌对生活的趣味调侃。竟然找来了流浪汉”七公“与活泼俏丽的Emily担纲拍摄,同时我们也对产品线主理人Jeff Han进行了独家采访(翻至最下)。
该系列新品将在近期上架FLY Streetwear门店,2Props Online Store以及NPC,YOHO等网上商店及门店。
[Skatehere 对话 Jeff Han]
Jeff:每天在我们FLY店所处的十字路口都能看见七公的身影,他通常会在每天下午三点准时在街口出现,一头银发笑容可掬。七公与其他流浪汉不同,他从不主动上前行乞,你与他眼光相对时,他总是点头招呼,就算你从他身边走过没零钱给他,他也还是这样。久而久之,我们就像是老朋友。因为他的形象与早年美国滑板影片《The Search for Animal Chin.》里的滑板神很相似,上海的滑板人都戏称他为“Animal Chin”
注:《The Search for Animal Chin.》是一步1987年出品的美国著名滑板影片,故事围绕着一群滑板青年寻找滑板之神“Animal Chin” 的过程而展开..
Skatehere:Why did you think of Qi Gong to choose as a model?
Jeff:Well, every time you pass by the Chang Le Lu and Fu Min Lu intersection in front of FLY, you can see Qi Gong’s figure leaning against the stoplight. His silver hair and toothless grin appear at the intersection on time at 3 pm every day. Qi Gong is much different than the other homeless; he never approaches people asking for money, and when you look in his direction, he’ll always give you a simple nod “hello” whether you give him money or not, as if you’ve been long time friends. To skaters in the shanghai scene, he looks like the wise skate god from the old skate video The Search for Animal Chin, so everyone likes to call him “Animal Chin”. To others, he looks like the highest-ranking boss of a local gang called “Qi Gong” as described in one ofauthor Jin Tang’s novels. So, you could say he’s quite the icon of the Chang Le Lu and Fu Min Lu intersection. When it comes to the process of planning and executing a marketing plan for the release of new products, it’s definitely no easy task, and the 2015 spring/summer line was no exception. We threw around so many places to shoot the release of this new line, and even thought about taking a trip to a friend’s hometown of Oakland, California to shoot these photos. But just as I was thinking about it, the idea of using Qi Gong came up. The idea seemed like a good fit, but even so, there were a bunch of “what ifs?” What if he got stage fright in front of the camera? What if he wasn’t down to wear the clothes we picked out for him? What if he didn’t have any chemistry with the girl model we chose too? Truthfully speaking…these problems all came up during our photo shoot. But thankfully, when I was looking for a girl model, a friend recommended Emily, who had lively personality and was more than willing to work with us. Even better, she had met Qi Gong many times before at the intersection, which Qi Gong remembered vividly as he told us during the shoot that Emily had given him money and cigarettes before. With Emily by his side, Qi Gong seemed much more comfortable and relaxed. Who would’ve thought a homeless man and a beautiful woman from two opposite backgrounds would have such chemistry…
Skatehere: Are you satisfied with the results of the photo shoot?
Jeff: As I was editing the pictures, I was thinking to myself… “Damn these came out great!” It definitely exceeded my expectations. Qi Gong and Emily’s interaction during the photo shoot were natural and smooth, and the result came out very professional. Just take a look into Qi Gong’s eyes, quite theatrical don’t you think?
Jeff:我们这一季的产品本身就是以轻松诙谐为主题,太严肃的主题我不擅长,抛开社会身份和地位不说,“七公”演绎出的服装效果并不是人人都能办到的。我不认为我们潜在的消费人群会对流浪汉拍look book有所偏见,一个多小时的拍摄我们付给了七公与专业模特同等的酬劳,在这点上我们认为平等互尊是我们应该努力追求的。
Skatehere: Do you worry that using a homeless guy to model for your look book will affect FLY’s product sales?
Jeff: The theme of this season’s series is already pretty funny. I’m not too into theme’s that are too serious. Despite Qi Gong’s social identity and status, the look and feel of how the look book photos came out isn’t something that anyone can portray. I don’t think the consumers who buy our products will feel biased towards using a homeless guy as a model in our look book. Plus, we paid Qi Gong the same hourly wage as we pay professional models, so from that perspective, adhering to that level of equality and respect is something we did on this project while still having fun, and is something we strive for in future projects as well.
FLY 2015 S/S Lookbook