Vans x Della 2014 春夏合作系列发布
Vans日前联名慈善服装品牌Della推出了2014 春夏合作系列,包括Era、Authentic和Sk8-Hi三种不同款式,Della是一个来自洛杉矶的慈善品牌,由Tina Tangalakis创建并特别雇佣了50位来自加纳发展地区的妇女来进行制作产品。此次与Vans的合作系列每销售一款都会作为基金为这些妇女提供专业训练,每周的文化课学习以及人身保险等。
对于Della与Vans的合作Tina Tangalakis讲到:
“Della is a socially responsible fashion line that works with a team of women in Ghana, West Africa. What’s great is when we are able to have successful partnership with other companies, it really pushes us. It sometimes doubles or triples the community and passion we have. My goal is to sustain that and push it even more.
Tina also said, “we started out making accessories and bridged out to clothing. Rather than just produce clothing, we provide steady jobs, fair wages, education, skills and literacy training to the women.”
- Tina Tangalakis, Della founder and creative director
Vans x Della