Skater Plus+:滑板设计师Yanick Nolet专访

Yanick Nolet出生于加拿大的法语区魁北克省,现和女友居住在加拿大的蒙特利尔;他是Gift 上一季“Gone Fliping”钓鱼主题系列板面的设计人,最近他也是特别来到中国北京,上海旅行;我们也是借此机会对他进行了一次特约专访。


Skatehere:So most people probably  haven’t heard of you in China,can you do a little introduction of yourself?


Yanick Nolet:I’m from Montreal,I’m 35 years old,almost 36.I started skating at 12 and never stop from then.



Skatehere:Montreal is a French part of Canada,how  different do you think Montreal is from other cities of Canada?


Yanick Nolet:Nice people in there and there are more living scenes i guess, more people partying probably



Skatehere:Is this your first time coming to China?How do you think of the trip so far?


Yanick Nolet:It’s my first time coming to Asia actually,it is an amazing trip,especially in Shanghai.We went to Beijing first,it was a little bit too busy and noisy but a great history lesson. i really like Shanghai it’s more international i suppose.




Skatehere:How is the skate scene in Montreal? You used to have a shop too right?


Yanick Nolet:It’s doing well,not too big,but ok.Me and my good friend opened a shop in a small city called Trois-Rivières for 2years and now it’s out.because it was a small city, not really many people skating and there were two other big shops in the city too.So we stopped it and went back to Montreal.



Skatehere:You opened a skate themed beer company now,how is that going?and how do you come up with the idea?


Yanick Nolet:It looks like a skateshop,but it doesnt sell hard goods.It’s a small shop,but  it has a good vibe. i designed the whole shop and i wanted to bring people this kinda of beer and skate feeling together,because i think drinking  beer is every skaters second favourite hobby .



Skatehere:What’s your favorite beer?


Yanick Nolet:IPA(India Pale Ale),because it’s more hoppy and bitter

我喜欢India Pale Ale,更有啤酒花味,而且也有点小苦


Skatehere:you did a lot of designing,what companies you have worked with?and how is your board company?the Father skateboards

你设计过很多的东西,都和哪些公司合作过?你自己的公司Father Skateboards经营的怎么样?

Yanick Nolet:i worked with Girl,Underworld,and a lot of skateshops.Father skateboards is doing great,but i’m out of the company because i started the beer thing.I also did a lot of work with the very unique magazine:expose magazine in Montreal.

我和Girl,Underworld还有很多滑板店一起合作过,Father skateboards现在运营的还不错,但我已经离开了公司,因为我开始了这个啤酒的生意么不是。我也与蒙特利尔的滑板杂志Expose 滑板杂志合作过很多东西。


Skatehere:What are you working on right now?


Yanick Nolet:I’m working on something with Gift,also with Vans China,there will be a cricket themed shoe releasing hopefully next year.

现在在做一些关于Gift的产品,我也和Vans 中国一同设计了双鞋子,是以蟋蟀为主题的,大概会在明年10月份左右与大家见面。


Skatehere:As a designer,what’s your favourite brand?


Yanick Nolet: I think nowadays for me brand isn’t really something i’d care for.it’s more about the cuttings and staff. now i like something clean and comfortable. for skate brands i like Fourstar,Matix;More natural and life oriented.



Skatehere:Where does your designing ideas draw from?


Yanick Nolet:For me,i like something from life.fun things.Something like the gone fliping ones.The series is from my favorite and many others’ favorite hobby.Same as the one i did for Girl,you know the domino ones

我的设计理念来自于生活,比如这个Gone Fliping 系列,这个系列是以很多人喜欢的爱好为主题设计的。我为Girl设计的那系列也是这样的,那个系列是以多米诺骨牌为主题设计完成的。


Skatehere:What do you think of the current skate fashion trend?


Yanick Nolet:Right now,a lot of people are wearing 5-panel ,i think 5-panel is the mean trend now and will last about 1 or 2 years.Also i think people will like more simple and neat staff.



Skater Plus+:Yanick Nolet

Post By: wolfhowl @ 九 28, 2013
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